1. there are many beautiful buildings in moscow. 2. the kremlin is situated in the centre of moscow. 3. exercise six on the next page. 4. on the 20th page is picture for oral presentation. 5. there were mistakes in his report. 6. in this article is anything interesting. 7. original painting of levitan "at the pool" is in tretyakovsky gallery. 8. there are many я не знаю как будет слово полноводные) rivers in siberia. 9. how many theatres in the sverdlova square? there are three theatres in the sverdlovsky square. 10. where is bolshoy theatre? it is situated in the sverdlova square. 11. there are many history monuments in the leningrad. 12. in many villages of russia had no schools before october revolution. как-то так). там 100% есть ошибки, но надеюсь, что хоть чем-то
1 A: Have you already got Julia a birthday present?
B: Yes, I bought it yesterday.
2 A: Have you ever attended the Water Festival?
B: Yes, I went in 2010.
3 A: Ann's dress has looked nice on her!
B: Yes, it did. She sent me a photo of it last week.
4 A: Has Mike come back yet?
B : No, he only left an hour ago!
5 A: Have you ever seen a fireworks display?
B: Yes, I saw one in London last year.
Present Perfect - это настоящее совершенное время. Оно обозначает действие, которое завершилось в настоящий момент времени.
Past Simple - время используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время в и время совершения которого уже истекло.