ЗАРАНЕЕ БЛАГОДАРЮ! 2. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
I am not attempting to shift blame. Tabloids have, if anything, a greater 1than broadsheets. Eight million people buy a tabloid every day in the UK, equating to more than twenty million 2 – a third of the population. Thus, we have a duty to deliver truth. Newsgathering can’t always, of course, create 3. For example, The Daily Telegraph chose to buy (and publish) some 4documents. If it had merely contacted the Parliament press office, there would have been no story. This applies to any potentially damaging news that might 5 politicians. This is the intrigue demanded from 6journalism and the line you walk is thin. As a news reporter at The Sun, I was tasked with testing 7at Heathrow airport. I pretended to be a cleaner to see how easy it
would be to plant a bomb. It was, in fact, 8easy. I didn’t lie on my job application: I gave my real name and contact details. I even said I worked for a company called Sun. As a result, the cleaning company lost its contract, 150 people were left 9, and for more than six months I was insulted and even 10 online, but I would still argue that the means were justified by the end.
I admire my mother's job. She restores the decorations of old buildings. The greatest achievement of my mother and her colleagues was
the house-museum of a famous Russian (10) (PAINT) ___PAINTER . The museum houses (11) (WONDER) ___WONDERFULcollections of ancient
maps and coins. They are (12) (ABSOLUTE) __ABSOLUTELY unique! My mother and her colleagues brought back to life the old furniture in the house-
museum. Another team restored the (13) PAINT) PAINTINGS in the museum.
Unfortunately during the war some pictures (14) (APPEARE) DISAPEARED . My mother and some other restorers were awarded with
the State Prize for the (15) (CONTRIBUTE) CONTRIBUTION to the development of culture.
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 16—22. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 16—22, в которых
представлены возможные варианты ответов 1, 2 или 3 Запиши номер пропуска и выбранную цифру из столбика.
I was born and live in the city of Orenburg, the capital of the Orenburg Region, Russia. My native city is very old, it was (16) in 1743 It
was started as a (17) ; it protected the territories near the Ural River. Today Orenburg is an important economic and cultural city that
is (18) in interesting sights. There are theatres, concert halls, museums, buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries and (19) tohistorical events and people who contributed (20) the development of the region. Orenburg is famous (21) wonderful Christian
churches and Muslim mosques. My city is beautiful, comfortable and friendly, it (22) our love and care.
1) housed
2) founded
3) appeared
1) fortress
2) prison
3) capital
1) rich 2) unique
3) known
1) squares
2) towers
3) monuments
1) to
2) in
3) for
1) in
2) for
3) by
1) protects
2) achieves
3) deserves