1. Укажите глаголы в Present Perfect.
are running
+has written
+have asked
+have spent
shall go
will ask
2. Укажите правильный перевод предложения "Я написал перевод этого текста".
I am writing the translation of this text at the lesson.
I have to write the translation of this text.
+I have written the translation of this text.
I shall write the translation of this text.
I write the translation of this text at the lesson.
I wrote the translation of this text at the lesson yesterday.
3. Укажите возможные краткие ответы на вопрос “Have you seen this picture?”.
No, I don’t
+No, I haven’t
Yes, I am
Yes, I did
Yes, I do
+Yes, I have
Yes, I shall
4. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые которых стоят в Present Perfect.
Have you much free time?
+He has come to the technical school.
+He has given me a letter.
+ I have not translated the text.
My mother is a doctor.
+ She has not written the translation.
+They have taken the pencils.
This student has many friends.
- We have to go to the library.
You have to wash your hands before meals.
5. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые которых стоят в Past Perfect.
He had a letter in his hand.
+He had finished his work before you come.
He had to translate the text.
He had written a letter by 5 o’clock.
He has a book.
He has come.
+They had come when you finished your translation.
+ They had given us their books.
They had six lessons.
They have many English books.
6. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые которых стоят в Future Perfect.
Have you written your translation?
I had a book.
I shall go there.
She has come.
+They will have finished their work by 4 o’clock.
+We shall have translated the text when they come.
+ Will you have written your translation?
You will take my pencils.
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. 1,4
9. 1,5