Probably, every person in his life wondered if he had a real friend. Friendship of two people is tested not only by time, but also by actions. As a rule, the first friends appear at our school. There are times when friendship occurs in kindergarten, but this rarely happens. In addition to school, we get to know people who live next door to us. Very often it is they who become true friends for many years. School friendships do not always last.
What criteria can be used to assess true friendship? Probably, every person has their own opinion on this issue. One girl divided the people with whom she spoke into several groups: close friends, best friends, distant friends, and just acquaintances. A controversial system, but it was so convenient for her. Only sometimes close friends are able to disappoint and betray, and ordinary acquaintances can come to the rescue and support in a difficult situation.
Friendship is tested both by time and by the actions of people. A true friend will not betray. He will not discuss you behind your back, but will express his displeasure in your face. And this does not mean that the friend wants to teach a lesson. He's just worried, wants help. True friendship, even in difficult periods of life, does not collapse. Friends go through all the crises in their relationship. A devoted friend is able to understand, he will not be jealous and intrigue. In life, it often happens that friends swear over a guy with whom they both fell in love. If one of them does not give in, their friendship ends. And in the end, this guy falls in love with another girl. Teamwork can be another reason for quarrels. Especially if one of the friends is the boss, and the other is a subordinate. Better to get a job in another company.
Does distance affect friendship? When it is real, even life in different cities will not destroy it. Friends correspond, call each other, visit each other on vacation or on holidays. Even at a distance, they can always help.
In addition, a friend is a person with whom they share common interests. It is always easy and comfortable with him. You spend time together, walk with children, discuss everyday moments of life. You know the habits of a true friend by heart. You can even guess his mood at first sight. Your thoughts on what to do in the evening, or what movie to watch, coincide. Of course, every person is different. But similar interests help to maintain friendly communication for many years.
A True Friend Friendship is a precious gift that life brings. A true and devoted friend is usually one. And the person will be very lucky if he meets him. I would like to end with a wise proverb: "A friend is known in trouble."
Human rights is really an important theme. Without them in all humanity was an disasters. Everyone would kill each other for fun or food. And these would be really a sad period. But in other way. Without human rights we would not have any evolution. Like for example: i would be there writing these home work.
Now about what i think about it in my opinion.I think it is really important to take human rights in a serious way. To follow rules. To respect human and their rights. Everyone in this planet have it. Even a 1 minute born child already have rights. He is just do not know about them yet.
Bad people do not respect anyone. Do not respect human rights. Do not respect their self. They are too selfish and disgusting for these things. Im sorry for bad words but i can not describe these things any more way. Everyone one can think what they want, but this is what i think about theme.
Now to the good theme. We have human rights. Most of people follow them. And respect each other. We have prison to who is not and do something really bad. So we can live quite safe and satisfied with our life. And of course i often try to follow human rights too. Trying be good. So yes, that is it.
1 Как бы вы отреагировали, если бы друг нарушил обещание, которое вы просили его сдержать?
2 Что бы вы сделали, если бы они пригрозили раскрыть секрет, который вы им рассказали?
3 Вы когда-нибудь брали на себя вину за то, чего не делали? Если да, то почему?
4 В каких ситуациях, если таковые имеются, вам нравится, чтобы люди оставляли вас в покое?
5 Насколько вас беспокоит, если кто-то смеется над вами?
6 Как вы думаете, насколько важно соблюдать правила дома?
7 Как бы вы отреагировали, если бы друг захотел наказать вас, не разговаривая с вами?
а смеяться над кем-то или заставить других людей смеяться над ними, как правило, в недобрую сторону Б перестал раздражать или разговаривал с кем-то с кто-то пострадает, потому что они сделали что-то неправильно
д говоришь, что это твоя вина
не делать то, что вы сказали, Вы бы наверняка сделать
Ф делать то, что вы сказали, что кто-то у нас будут проблемы, если они не делают то, что вы хотите
A real friend is one. I have many friends, but a real one only. A friend's name is Altai, he supports me when I get hurt, he understands. I can rely on him. The rest ask only for help, share goodies, and play with a ball without me. I have already stopped communicating with false friends. And I strive for the best, despite the betrayal. I am already independent! I wish you all good friends like Altai!