a) Develop the incomplete sentences into complete and state what sentence members are ellipted.
1. “Who is in charge here?” - “Miss Van Campen.” E. Hemingway
2. “You ever seen a parson with a big car, Mr Rummins?” - ‘ Can say I have.”
3. “Well, and what did they say to you?” - “Nothing”. J• Galsworthy
4. - “Who are these women?” Trudy said, stopping in the street. — “Oh, just old friends of Richard’s”. M. Spark
5. Strange to say, each tree, as he approached, changed into a stump <...>.
M. Dodge
6. I slept like a baby and when I woke up I didn’t know what time it was, what day, or what city. W. Saroyan
7. “How is he today?” - “Very sick, mynheer - “ M. Dodge
8. “Been here long?” - “Only a day”. F.S. Fitzgerald
b) State the structural and communicative type of the sentences.
1. "Who sat for you?" "Well, no one." (Saroyan)
2. "I couldn't start by telling him what he could and couldn't do." "Why not?" (Fitzgerald)
3. "Tell me about your plans, Michael." (Fitzgerald)
4. "Do you live in Paris?" "For the moment." (Fitzgerald)
5. "What is the name of your book?" "'Yes'." "An excellent title." (Saroyan)
6. "Your damned money was my armor. My Swift and my Armor." "Don't." (Hemingway)
7. "Let's not quarrel any more. No matter how nervous we get." (Hemingway)
8. If you wish to destroy yourself, pray do so. Don't expect me to sit by and watch you doing so (Hardwick).
9. "Don't they look nice?" she said. "One from last year and one from this, they just do. Save you buying a pair." (Lawrence)
10. She intended to come on Sunday. But never did (Lawrence).
11. Then, gradually, her breath began to hiss, she shook, and was sobbing silently, in grief for herself. Without looking, he saw. It made his mad desire to destroy her come back (Lawrence).
c) Define the parts of sentence. Use abbreviations for describing.
1. Why don't you sew your sleeve up? (Lawrence)
2. He heard her singing in her snatchy fashion (Lawrence).
3. With a little flash of triumph, she lifted a pair of pearl ear-rings from
the small box (Lawrence).
4. The exterior of the building was a masterpiece of architecture, elegant
and graceful (Sheldon).
В данном задании нужно не написать рассказы с этими словами, а показать мимикой и движениями (не произнося ни слова) данные выражения, чтобы другие поняли и сказали.
have lunch - обедать ,read a book- читать книгу , watch TV-смотреть телевизор, do his / her homework - делать д/з,draw the piscture - рисовать картину,ski in the park кататься на лыжах ,play chess-играть в шахматы ,listen to music слушать музыку ,play the piano-играть на пианино,take photos-фотографировать,play puzzles-собирать пазл,make a toy-делать игрушку.