Cinema is one of the best types of art and cinematography is considered to be one of the rare wonders. It has appeared in the end of the 19th century. Cinema is a combination of different types of art: music, theater, literature, painting and else. Every decade has brought something new for the cinema. For example, in the 30-s the main genres were musicals, gangster stories, mute comedies and horror films. The 70-s were the times of political movies and French comedies. The 90-s brought lots of westerns and spy films. Whereas, nowadays, we have so many new genres, among them thrillers, adventure films, underground, science fiction and many others. The first movies were mute and black-and-white. The sound was invented in 1926. Approximately in the 30-s the first colour movie appeared in the USA, and in the 60-s in our country. The most powerful cinematography is in Hollywood, USA. The majority of world famous films were shot there. Cinemas as entertainment have also appeared a long time ago. People have always liked going to the cinema. It was a perfect idea for a date. Besides, cinema was the only place where people could see new films. Today we have all kinds of possibilities. We can watch new movies in the cinema, on TV, on DVDs, online and else. Before the appearance of DVDs, people used to watch films on video tapes, which is now considered to be a bit old-fashioned. Cinema is also a powerful force in contemporary life. Many famous actors and actresses set the fashion, so the society depends on cinema a lot. British and American people are very fond of cinemas. They are considered to be real cinema-goers.
История о диком животном на английском языке
About a wild animal
I would like to tell you about a sloth whose name is Cloddy. It is a wild animal, which lives in rainforests of South America. It seems that this mammal looks like the slowest animal in the world, but it could be extremely fast if there is any danger. It has thick brown fur and it is a size of a cat. The fur is full of insects and sometimes is quite dirty. Cloddy has a funny mask with a cute smile, but the long claws could look unpleasant. This creature usually hangs on a tree and eats many leaves every day.
В тексте упоминается: название животного - sloth (=ленивец); имя - Cloddy; цвет животного - brown (= коричневый); как выглядит - the slowest animal in the world (= самый ленивый в мире), it could be extremely fast if there is any danger (= может быть очень быстр, если есть какая-либо опасность), it has thick brown fur (= у него толстый коричневый мех), it is a size of a cat (= он размером с кота), the fur is full of insects and sometimes is quite dirty (= мех полон насекомых и иногда очень грязный), a funny mask with a cute smile (= смешная мордочка с милой улыбкой), the long claws could look unpleasant (неприятно могут выглядеть его лапы с когтями).
1. Його метою було зробити світ краще.
2. Я вибачаюсь що створив тобі стільки проблем.
3. Якщо бути чесним, мені не подобається ця ідея.
4. Ми поїхали до Великобританії щоб покращити свою англійську.
5. Він достатньо дорослий щоб зрозуміти це.
6. Ціль нового уряду – дати країні більше демократії.
7. Нерозумно з його боку виходити на вулицю в таку погану погоду.
8. Головне було отримати дозвіл.
9. Там не було нікого, щоб показати йому як це зробити.
10. Проблема занадто важка щоб вирішити її одразу.