После публикации прогнозов о будущем американского инженера Джона Элфрета Уоткинса, сделанных им в 1900 году, Би-би-си обратилась к читателям с предложением поделиться своими мыслями и предположениями о том, как изменится жизнь на планете через 100 лет.
Прогнозы Уоткинса в начале ХХ века казались странными и почти невозможными, но большая их часть оправдалась.
Футурологи Иан Пирсон (ИП) и Патрик Такер (ПТ) комментируют предположения читателей о том, как будет выглядеть мир в 2112 году.
Posle publikatsii prognozov o budushchem amerikanskogo inzhenera Dzhona Elfreta Uotkinsa, sdelannykh im v 1900 godu, Bi-bi-si obratilas' k chitatelyam s predlozheniyem podelit'sya svoimi myslyami i predpolozheniyami o tom, kak izmenitsya zhizn' na planete cherez 100 let.
Prognozy Uotkinsa v nachale KHKH veka kazalis' strannymi i pochti nevozmozhnymi, no bol'shaya ikh chast' opravdalas'.
Futurologi Ian Pirson (IP) i Patrik Taker (PT) kommentiruyut predpolozheniya chitateley o tom, kak budet vyglyadet' mir v 2112 godu.
After the publication of predictions about the future of the American engineer John Elfret Watkins, made by him in 1900, the BBC asked readers to share their thoughts and assumptions about how life on the planet will change in 100 years.
Watkins' predictions at the beginning of the twentieth century seemed strange and almost impossible, but most of them came true.
Futurists Ian Pearson (IP) and Patrick Tucker (PT) comment on readers' speculations about what the world will look like in 2112.
In my opinion, it is very important to study foreign languages. There are lot of reasons. First reason is that knowledge of a foreign language can boost your future career development. Second reason is to feel comfortable in everyday life and while travelling. We live in a global society and one language is not enough nowadays. The best choices now will be English and Chinese languages because English language has become an international language and Chinese language is the most used and spoken nowadays.
English is the most popular language in the world. Millions of people all over the world speak English. Scientists and writers try to write or to have their works translated into English so that more people could read them. Most conferences and international meetings are held in English. English is not only popular, it is not very difficult to learn. English grammar is not very difficult and many words are already known to most of us. Knowing English gives better job and education opportunities. The best universities teach in English. Whatever country you go, you will certainly meet somebody who speaks English. English is very popular with singers and performers. There are many special texbooks, aidio and video resources for those who learn English. So learning English can really be fun and a great enjoyment.
После публикации прогнозов о будущем американского инженера Джона Элфрета Уоткинса, сделанных им в 1900 году, Би-би-си обратилась к читателям с предложением поделиться своими мыслями и предположениями о том, как изменится жизнь на планете через 100 лет.
Прогнозы Уоткинса в начале ХХ века казались странными и почти невозможными, но большая их часть оправдалась.
Футурологи Иан Пирсон (ИП) и Патрик Такер (ПТ) комментируют предположения читателей о том, как будет выглядеть мир в 2112 году.
Posle publikatsii prognozov o budushchem amerikanskogo inzhenera Dzhona Elfreta Uotkinsa, sdelannykh im v 1900 godu, Bi-bi-si obratilas' k chitatelyam s predlozheniyem podelit'sya svoimi myslyami i predpolozheniyami o tom, kak izmenitsya zhizn' na planete cherez 100 let.
Prognozy Uotkinsa v nachale KHKH veka kazalis' strannymi i pochti nevozmozhnymi, no bol'shaya ikh chast' opravdalas'.
Futurologi Ian Pirson (IP) i Patrik Taker (PT) kommentiruyut predpolozheniya chitateley o tom, kak budet vyglyadet' mir v 2112 godu.
After the publication of predictions about the future of the American engineer John Elfret Watkins, made by him in 1900, the BBC asked readers to share their thoughts and assumptions about how life on the planet will change in 100 years.
Watkins' predictions at the beginning of the twentieth century seemed strange and almost impossible, but most of them came true.
Futurists Ian Pearson (IP) and Patrick Tucker (PT) comment on readers' speculations about what the world will look like in 2112.