There are many sports that will keep an adult in shape and the child will develop and form a sports building. It starts from childhood, and the love of sports must come in those years. When a teenager is involved in sports, it's much less likely that he'll be under the bad influence of the street. All sports other than good physical form also raise discipline. For example, by giving a child to sports, it will be noticed that he acquires certain discipline and is always willing to take responsibility for his actions and actions.
Sport can change the lives of adolescents, as well as adults, but it's more logical to talk about children, because they're the country's hope and reliance, and it's not like a growing generation to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. The first thing that children should be given to children should be pushed into sports, and it is important to understand that sports should be enjoyed. Because the factor that the child is being forced into the sports section will be very bad. We need to figure out what the baby likes. You don't want to torture him, like boxing, maybe the kid wants to do team sports. Anyway, it doesn't matter if someone likes chess or pool. And that's also good, because the kid won't be missing in the street and it's not likely to get in any trouble.
1. На каком языке говорят эти люди?
2. Двое наших инженеров читали документ, а другие
обсуждение нового контракта.
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4. Надеюсь, вы знаете последние новости.
5. Мы получили Ваше письмо до 30 декабря.
6. Я слышал, что в следующем году вы заключите много контрактов.