Keep in - держать взаперти
They were kept in after school.
Keep on – продолжать
My sister kept on asking me question after question.
Keep to – придерживаться
Always keep to the speed limit.
Keep up - сохранять, продолжать
His family kept up the pretence that he had been ill.
Keep up - не давать спать
It’s late. I’d better not keep you up any longer.
Keep up with - успевать за
He had to hurry to keep up with her.
Keep up with - следить за событиями
We try to keep up with what’s happening.
Keep away - не пускать
I’ve told him to keep away, but he won’t listen.
Keep back – скрывать
He said he was fine, but I knew he was keeping something back.
Keep down – мешать
Even if you’re intelligent, they still try to keep you down.
Keep from - не давать сделать
These worries kept her from sleeping properly.
Keep off - не пускать
Keep the flies off the food.
Keep out - не пускать внутрь
Cars should be kept out of the city centre.
Бонус. Список выражений с глаголом Keep
Collocations with Keep
Довольно прозрачные примеры, не так ли? Давайте проверим, хорошо ли вы все усвоили.
01 He had to learn hard to keep with the others.
awayup with
02 Keep your hands her!
03 She was kept __ for three months without anyone to talk to.
04 Don’t keep me , I’m gonna finish it anyway.
05 You’re good at it, keep !
06 Keep the dogs from the house!
07 He is so quiet today. Do you think he’s keeping something ?
08 While filling out the application form, please, keep the guidelines.
Очень легкий тест! Но не обольщайтесь – мы приготовили для вас кое-что поинтереснее. Это наше традиционное упражнение на разговорную речь. Надеемся, вы с ним справитесь так же легко, как и с нашим тестом!
Читайте также: Фразовые глаголы back up, break in, come up и keep out of
фразовы глагол back i break in
I am sitting in the chair. I love these minutes very much. I spend my free time reading an interesting book, because books play a very important role in my life. They teach us at school, at University, at work. And even when we were very little, we heard our mothers read us sitting near our little beds. And who of us did not listen to any fairy-tail or story?
It is a well-known fact that books are with us the whole life. Books give "new news" to life and teach us how to live. We can learn a lot of information about times when people did not know anything about a computer or a television in it.
Readingbooks give me not only new information, but also the knowledge of life and makes my mood better. I adore reading books and I think, that books teach us how to behave and to live. Thanks to books we can talk to people, who lived in different ages and countries.
The first thing should be noted, that the books surround us everywhere. It can be "small books": magazines, newspapers and some other types of them: encyclopedias, manuals and some internet sources. This fact is proved, that we need information, we need it in different forms. Very famous, significant sources of information are collected and kept in books. It shows, that a book is a meaningful thing, which has a good view of our life.
It should be also stressed, that every book provokes some feelings and thoughts. Only by reading a person can learn to think, to feel, to behave as a human being. For example, after reading we can be in mourning on somebody and hold back our tears, or it can pique our interest insome things or can see somebody through something. If it is a horrible book, it keeps us in fear; if it is sad, we can be preoccupied with protagonist. Funny books give us a chance to begin a new happy day.
This brings us to the conclusion that the books can change our life and that they teach us to avoid making mistakes in our life. Every story, every book has the main idea or message, which contain the philosophy of the life. And I am sure, that books know no bounds as a source of knowledge. Love books, because reading books helps our imagination to grow!