1. What does Jimmy's friend want to do later? a) Sleep b) Eat lunch c) Workout d) Play basketball 2. What time does that plan on meeting? a) After dinner 4:30 b) At 3:30 c) Ten in the morning d) After lunch at 3:00 3. What did he do earlier that caused soreness in his legs? a) Played baseball b) Skiing with friends c) Played soccer all day d) Played basketball 4. Where are they going to meet? a) At the sport center b) At the coffee shop down the street c) By the bus stop d) At the gym
As a family, we stay in our home every New Year's Eve. We stay up together and watch TV until midnight. We watch the ball drop on TV, then we go to the dining room table. Usually my parents have hung up various decorations and there is a glitter encrusted table cloth (made especially for this occasion). Each of the males get a New Year's top hat to wear (plastic), and each of the females get a New Year's tiara (plastic). We each have a glass of sparkling cider. Then we go around the table and say our favorite or best memory from the year and what we are thankful for. After each person goes, we have a toast. After that we go around the table again and each person says what they hope will happen in the coming year and what some of their goals are. We toast after each person again. OIt is a nice tradition that I cherish. My family has come to mean more and more to me and this is a good time of year to look back at all the good and all the bad, and realize how far we have come together. I hope that your family has a wonderful tradition and that you remember to put some effort and thought into it. Enjoy the new year sand may all your hopes and dreams come true in 2014.