1. I had my hair cut.
2. George has his grass cut once a month.
3. Tom will have his glasses made.
4. We have had our new furniture delivered.
Конструкция to have something done используется для выражения действий, которые говорящий не делает самостоятельно, а их за него делает кто-то другой.
Для того, чтобы образовать утверждение, необходимо подлежащее (кто? что?), после которого используется глагол to have в нужной временной форме, далее объект, над которым производится действие, и смысловой глагол в третьей форме (Past Participle).
The first time I (1) spoke to my best friend Susan was the day I saw her waiting for a bus outside the university. As it (2) was raining, I offered her a lift. We (3) have been good friends since then. We (4) spend a lot of time with each other and next month, we (5) will go on holiday together. I'm sure we (6) will have a great time. We (7) are going to travel around Europe and visit some of my relatives.