Dear "Имя",
I haven't heard from you in a long while and I thought I should give you an update about my home duties, so maybe you can reply and tell me about yours. I have a lot of home duties because my Mom and Dad are currently on a vacation in San Francisco, so the house is on me completly. Every day when i wake up i clean our kitten's toilet and feed it. Then, i usually do some vacuum cleaning and washing dishes. When i'm finally done, i go out to see Chrisitne and some other friends. What's your home duties, "Имя"?
Waiting for your response.
Sincirely, "Имя автора письма".
1) I have already tidied up my room
2) She has never eaten candyfloss
3) He has just gone souvenir shopping
4) We have not read this book yet
5) They have travelled Europe 3 times
Ex 3
Have you just arrived?
She hasn't pack her suitcase yet
I have been to an adventure camp before
Have you ever shaken hands with cartoon characters?
I have never seen a robot
Ex 4
есть сладкую вату
заниматься покупками сувениров
Отправляться в полет в пиратское путешествие
осматривать знаменитые достопримечательности
жать руки героям мультфильмов
исследовать дом, населенный привидениями
кататься на американских горках
Упр 1
1) has finished
2) has scored
3) have watched
4) has run
5) has bought
6) have lost
7) has written
8) have eaten
9) have watched
10) have started
Egg яйцо
Jam джам
Olive oil оливковое масло
Honey мед
Cheese сыр
Tea чай
Bread хлеб
Burger бургер
Sausage сасиска
Olives оливки
Meat мясо
Salt соль
Flour мука
Cherries вишня
Rice рис
Apple яблоко