Currently, there is a steady decline in the share of large families in the population of Russia. This coincides with a tendency to the few children and childlessness in General. There is no clear system of social support of large families. There is a negative and even negative attitudes towards large families, especially with increasing atomic number of births. New pregnancy more than two or three children in the family is regarded as something out of the ordinary, as a deviation from the General rules.
Large families in the beginning of the century constituted the majority of the Russian population. They were quite common in all strata of society from the poorest of the peasantry to the nobility. This is due to the traditions of the Russian people and Orthodox morality. The birth of children was not planned, was perceived as "God's gift", was not contraceptives were not widespread abortion. In a large family it was easier to survive. The society has always been a steady positive attitude to a large family.
Currently a large family is considered a family with 3 or more children.
Выписан глагол. указано его время, залог. дан перевод вашего предложения. а после ваше предложение переделано в предложение с противоположным залогом :
1. lost - Past Simple, Active Voice В начале этого века Англия потеряла свою доминирующее положение. At the beginning of this century Britain`s dominating position was lost.
2. was established - Past Simple, Passive Voice В 1865 году была создана Секретная служба США для пресечения фальшивомонетчества. In 1865 they established the United States Secret Service to suppress counterfeiting.
3. compare - Present Simple, Active Voice Интервьюеры часто сравнивают свои заметки, прежде чем решить, какого кандидата выбрать. The interviewers` notes are often compared before deciding which candidate to choose.
4. are advertised - Present Simple, Passive Voice В некоторых случаях, конкурирующие продукты, которые практически идентичны, рекламируются за большие деньги. In some cases, they advertise rival products which are almost identical at great expense.
1) He was lost
2) She loved cats
3)He knew the place
4)They liked school
5)not to eat it
6)He couldn't sleep
7)She wanted mom
8) He would quit today
9)He had got a raise
10)If she would marry him
11)She wrote poems
12)to do my homework
13) She was having a party
14) He had bought a new jacket
15) If she could come today
16) She was going shopping
17) She read lots of books
18)He helped his dad
19)He had been fishing
20)He had seen that on TV