1. Моя история такая же. 2. Они вам в решении этой проблемы. Не волнуйся! 3. Она набрала несколько писем и была готова отправить их. общий 1. Is my story the same? 2. Will they help you with the problem? 3. Did she type several mails and was ready to post them? специальный 1. Whose story is the same? 2. Who will they help with the problem? 3. What did she do? альтернативный 1. Is my story the same or not? 2. Will they help you or him with the problem? 3. Did she type several mails or just one? разделительный 1. My story is the same, isn't it? 2. They will help you with the problem, won’t they? 3. She typed several mails and was ready to post them, didn't she?
1. A: Have you seen the parthenon yet? B: yes, I have __already seen it. It's smazing! 2. A: Has Damien ever gone skiing? B: No, he hasn't. He doesn't like it. 3. A: Is Akim at home, please? не уверена ((( B: No, I'm afraid he's already gone out. 4. A: I'm afraid I have never visited the Melbourne Museum and I've been in Melbourne for a whole year. B: Really? I already have. It's fantastic! 5. A: How long___ have you and Ben been friends? B: We've been friends ___for twelve years. 6. A: I have just cooked dinner. B: That's good because I haven't eaten yet and I'm really hungry.
We are not the diplomats
This is not a desk
They are not the secretaries
It is not a hat