B. Read the dialogue again. Find expressions/phrases that match the ones below. 1. There are no tickets left 2. I believe 3. I agree completely 4. I don't believe it 5. I spoke to someone for a short time 6. We have arranged it 7. Disappoint C. Read again and find sentences to prove the following. 1. Bill has a surprise for the others. 2. Amy wants to go to the Urban Hawks concert. 3. The venue of the concert isn't known yet. 4. Amy doesn't like Miss Bla Bla. 5. Liv likes the lead singer. 6. More than one band will appear at the Urban Hawks concert. 7. Bill talked to the lead singer of the Urban Hawks.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum imperdiet condimentum euismod. Etiam vitae ornare mauris. Fusce at venenatis eros. Maecenas eget ullamcorper nisi, vitae scelerisque mauris. Duis varius, eros ut faucibus feugiat, nisl magna feugiat tellus, et bibendum nisl arcu vitae dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed in molestie lorem, eget tincidunt mauris. Ut consectetur ante in sagittis semper. Nunc congue rhoncus facilisis.
Fusce pretium, massa ut ultrices mollis, leo quam sollicitudin arcu, et porttitor nibh libero quis eros. Vivamus aliquet in lacus placerat mollis. Aenean vel scelerisque nulla, quis accumsan nunc. Proin aliquet neque id magna tempor fringilla. Proin ipsum nisl, tempor eget est vel, lobortis tempus justo. Aenean erat diam, euismod at varius non, consectetur quis lorem. Sed aliquet sem eu diam efficitur posuere.
From Monday to Friday I think about weekends OR how I will spend Saturday and Sunday. I don’t have many friends, that’s why I have to come up with the entertaining ideas for me on my own. I’m not a couch potato and hate spending my time only beside the TV-set. I’m likely to go somewhere on foot just to have a walk if I have no other plans. Active life captivates me most of all.On Saturday morning I never wake up too late. I’d rather wake me up at dawn than lie slugging in a bed till midday. After drinking a cup of coffee, I spend 15 minutes on reading the news about politics. As always they promise to give people high salary and pension but their words speak louder than actions and not the reverse. I don’t get upset, drink another cup of coffee and prepare for a journey to the movies.Sometimes I change this plan and go to the exhibition if there’s one in my town. I love visiting operas, theaters and plays too, but last Saturday all tickets were reserved in advance. When I came up to a box-office, a ticket seller told me that it was late – no tickets left.As a rule, my day off is always full of events. I never get bored and even if there’s no place where I might go to, I make an effort to do my best and spend this day productively. I read books or learn something, do sports and make plans for the next weekends
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