Больше всего я люблю плавание. Это очень полезный вид спорта. С тех пор как я стал заниматься плаванием, я перестал болеть гриппом и ангиной. Мне никакая простуда не страшна. Исправилась осанка, улучшилось зрение. Кроме того, плавать очень приятно. Вода сразу освежает, становишься лёгким, тело послушно скользит по поверхности, чувствуешь себя сильным и ловким. Даже плохое настроение куда-то улетучивается. Существует несколько стилей плавания: кроль, брасс, баттерфляй, кроль на спине. И каждый по-своему красив и интересен в плане техники. Развиваются разные группы мышц, улучшается координация движений. Люди, хорошо плавающие, в воде чувствуют себя почти как рыбы. Руки вместо плавников, ноги в роли хвоста. А если надеть ласты — получается совсем похоже. Приближаешься к миру природы, забываешь человеческие проблемы. Всем своим знакомым я рекомендую заняться плаванием. Уверен: они не Most of all I like swimming. This is a very useful sport. Since I started swimming, I stopped being sick with flu and sore throat. To me any cold is not terrible. Corrected posture, eyesight improved. In addition, swimming is very nice. The water immediately refreshes, becomes light, the body obediently slides on the surface, you feel strong and dexterous. Even a bad mood somewhere disappears. There are several styles of swimming: crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, crawl on the back. And each in its own way is beautiful and interesting in terms of technology. Different muscle groups develop, coordination of movements improves. People who are well floating in the water feel almost like fish. Hands instead of fins, legs in the role of the tail. And if you put on fins - it turns out very similar. Approaching the world of nature, you forget human problems. I recommend all my acquaintances to go swimming. I'm sure they will not regret it
My favourite destination. an ideal place for travelling is molavia. it's situated south-east of europe. the country is environmentally safe area, you can breathe so pure air here and try absolutely natural agricultural products. moldavia is blessed by mother nature as a "sunny country" due to mild climate and warm summers, and landscape. the sun shines so bright that grapes grow very sweet, and t's true that moldavia is a wine paradise. moldavans are very hospitable. i was treated with glass of wine and bunch of grapes in every court. moldavans like dance very much, i happened to visit moldavian wedding, i will never forget it. we danced very much , there were many funny games , and then we're not coming out of the wine cellar for three days. people celebrate wedding whole-heartedly in moldavia . i also went fishing to the dniester river, there are many different fishes. but i netted only several crucians. moldavia was a place of inspiration for such great people as alexander pushkin, nikolay gogol. vacation in moldavia impressed me too much and i hope to visit this country again.