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10.09.2020 18:07 •  Английский язык

На написать письмо i was doing my homework till after midnight yesterday and i feel sleepy and in a bad mood today. the problem is that i can never do anything on time and i’m always late. it makes me feel awful… …how long does it usually take you to do your homework? which subject takes the longest? do you think it’s necessary to plan one’s day or not, and write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. write 100 – 120 words. remember the rules of letter writing

Dear Vlad,In your last letter you asked me to tell you about my pets. OK, I can talk for hours on this topic. I have a dog; his name is La boule. That’s a French word which means a ball. He is a pug and he is very funny. I also have a hamster. His name is Albert. Not a usual name for a hamster, you say, but he is very curious and smart enough. I would also like to have a cat, but perhaps not now.I’m fine, no changes since the last time. I’m passing my exams next week. After that, I’m looking forward to going abroad. I like traveling a lot. I’ve visited just a few European countries but I fell in love with the Old world. My dream is to go to Paris. This is the city of love, croissants and haut-couture. I think every person should see it and not necessarily die after it!You told me that you had been to many countries. Tell me about your greatest trip! Have you been to Paris, did you like it? What are you going to do this summer? Where would you like to go?I’m so happy that your sister married! Wish her and her husband a very good luck! Hope the wedding was as gorgeous as the bride was!Could you send me some photos?Sorry, I have to go, my parents are leaving on holidays, I need to see them off.Waiting for your letter,Yours truly,Alex.
Дорогой Влад,В своем письме ты просил меня рассказать о своих домашних животных. Что ж, на эту тему я могу говорить часами. У меня есть собака, его зовут Ля Буль. Это французское слово, которое переводится как шар. Это мопс, и он очень забавный. У меня также есть хомяк. Его зовут Альберт. Необычное имя для хомяка, ты скажешь, но он очень любознательный и достаточно умный. Мне бы также хотелось кошку, но, возможно, не сейчас.Я в порядке, с раза никаких изменений. На следующей неделе я сдаю экзамены. После этого я очень жду поездку заграницу. Я очень люблю путешествовать. Я был всего в нескольких европейских странах, но я влюбился в Старый свет. Моя мечта – поехать в Париж. Это город любви, круасанов и высокой моды. Я думаю, каждый должен увидеть его, и совершенно необязательно умирать после этого!Ты говорил, что был во многих странах. Расскажи мне о самой классной поездке! Ты был в Париже, тебе там понравилось? Что ты будешь делать этим летом? Куда хотел бы поехать?Я так рад, что твоя сестра вышла замуж! Удачи ей и ее мужу! Надеюсь, свадьба была такой же великолепной, как и сама невеста! Пришли мне пару фото?Извини, мне надо идти. Родители уезжают в отпуск, надо их проводить.Жду твое письмо,Искренне твой, Алекс.
4,4(24 оценок)
Я делал свою домашнюю работу до полуночи вчера, и я чувствую сонливость и в плохом настроении сегодня
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If I ruled the world, I would make all people around the world to pay attention on ecology problem and creating new technologies. I suggest they are closely associated with each other. People, who are very curious and greedy by the nature, always try to interfere in mechanism of life and process functioning on the Earth, to get or to make up new type of endless energy, to get superior or to become immortal. There is no doubt, it will have a positive result for humanity, bur for the nature it will be in a different way. To begin with technologies those have harmed both nature and humility at the moment.In the 20th century people found new type of energy and its application. Nuclear weapon, nuclear power plant became the first step to launch a mechanism of planet destroying. Countries, who had got nuclear arms, began to experiment it in the outer space, destroying our planet protect shield and making ozone holes unconsciously. To sum up global warming appeared. Nuclear disaster in Japan and Chernobyl, giving the same status as world problems, is not an exception. In the issue them a great number of people were killed and large surface of the Earth were infected. That`s not the half of it.Oil is resource of the Earth, which we used for destroying our planet too. Cars which are working on gasoline, every day secrete million tons of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, which create greenhouse effect. This is the second reason of global warming.Large Hadron Collider has very large and terrible name, as I think.This thing is really dangerous. Scientists say that if it is accident till elementary particle will be running, it will create black hole, which will bring to destruction of the Earth and the Universe. But if it isn’t happened, humility will get new type of energy or something else.By the other hand, there are good deal countries, which try to renew natural resources, to use them carefully or in other way. They develop such technologies, which don’t nave dab influence on the nature: wind-powered stations or which work on the solar energy, and of course cleaning buildings. I suggest that all people from pupil till aged people have ever bedded tree into the soil. This is donation to renewing too, but smaller. My Biology teacher said me that we should thing global, but should act local, because everything starts with the little.In conclusion I want to say than it is necessary that we should not live only by our life, but also Mother Nature life, that gave us life and opportunity to live. Nobody don’t tell what will be in the future but it is high time we took care of our planet, until it will be late. And last one, everything must be within reasonable limits.
4,4(75 оценок)
1. The translation was finished by the students in time.
2. The fields will be covered with snow in winter.
3. I am always invited to her dinner parties.
4. Her younger brother was often taken for a walk by Betty.
5. The telegram was asked for by the neighbour.
1. This bone will be given to my dog tomorrow.
2. We were invited to a concert last Saturday.
3. Yesterday he was told to prepare a speech.
4. All the texts were looked through yesterday and not a single mistake was found.
1. If he worked hard, he would achieve great progress.
2. If he reads 50 pages every day, his vocabulary will increase greatly.
3. You will never finish your work if you waste your time like that.
4. If he doesn't pass his examination, he will not get a scholarship.
5. If he weren't such a book-worm, he wouldn't spend so much time sitting in the library.
4,4(8 оценок)
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