1. A. Do you now, I've _ … over £200 week on food. B. That's a lot. Have you got a big family? 2. A. Oh no, I've left my money at home. Could you _ … me £5 ? I promise I'll _ _ you back tomorrow. B. No, I can't. I had to _ some money myself from my sister. 3. A. Was the holiday expensive? B. No, not really. We _ £50 a night for the hotel, and the flight _ _ us about £150. 4. A. Are you going away
2) At 5 o’clock yesterday she_was playing_ the piano. (to play)
3) Father _had come_ home by 6, and at 7 he _was having_ dinner. (to come, to have)
4) When I _met_ Tom, he was eating_ an ice-cream which he had bought_ at the corner of the street. (to meet, to eat, to buy)
5) When father_came_ home, we _were cooking_ the mushrooms. (to come, to cook)
6) By 2 o’clock yesterday the teacher _had examined_ all the students. (to examine)
7) On my way to school I __remembered_ that I had left_ my books at home. (to remember, to leave)