В английском языке окончания "-s" и "-es" добавляются к глаголам настоящего
времени (Present Simple) в 3 лице единственном числе (с местоимениями he, she,
it) в утвердительной форме.
He reads, she sings, it sleeps N T.A.
При этом, если глагол оканчивается на -ѕ, -ѕѕ, -sh, -ch, -х, -о, то к глаголу
добавляется окончание "-es".
Vera wishes, Tom goes T.A.
Если речь идет о вопросительной или отрицательной форме глаголов в Present
Simple, то окончание -es добавляется только к вс глаголу dо в 3
лице единственном числе. При этом к смысловому глаголу окончание "-s", "-es"
не добавляется.
Does he read?
She doesn't sing.
O Mar Does Tom study?
If you're interested in becoming a scientist, there are a few things you (1) should do. First of all, you (2) have to decide which area of science you want to work in. Is it biology and animals or physics and space that you think (3) might interest you most? Another thing you (4) ought to do is speaking to your science teacher about it. He or she will tell you what your options are and (5) might have some helpful experience. You (6) will almost certainly need to go to university to study your chosen science. After your degree, you need to specialise in an area that really interests you. It can be a long, hard road, but at the end of it, you just (7) may make a discovery that changes the world.