1 Read the poster. Answer the following questions. 1 Which actions does parkour involve? 2 When and where did it start? 3 How did it become popular? 4. What do traceurs wear? 5 Where can you do it? 6 Name two parkour movements from the text.
Город Кременчуг Kremenchug - oblast town , railway junction and the port. Consists of Avtozavodsky and Kriukovski areas. Most of the city is situated on the left bank , a smaller ( Hooks ) - on the right . Distance to Poltava - 119 km . Kremenchug agglomeration is included in 10 of the largest in Ukraine with a population of about polumiliona people. Found near the town of minerals - large deposits of iron ore anomalies Kremenchug , granite , clay, quartz sand river . Kremenchug where founded in the XVI century for the defense of left-bank Dnieper region . Famous Ukrainian historian and ethnographer MA Markevich , in particular , believed that Kremenchug originated in 1571. economy Kremenchug is one of the major donors to the budget of Ukraine, its part in the national budget of about 7 %. The city focused engineering and manufacturing enterprise: Kremenchug refinery ( UkrTatNafta - leader of Ukrainian market of fuels and lubricants ) , Krukovka Carriages , KrAZ, one of the largest in Eastern Europe and the CIS, assembly plant KrASZ Kremenchug , Kremenchug Wheel Plant , Kremenchug road machines ( Kredmash ) , steelworks , Kremenchug Carbon Black Plant , Meat Processing , 3 bakery , Dairy , Distillery , leather saddlery factory, sewing factory 2 , 3 confectionaries " Roshen ", " Lucas ", " Daisy" , a tobacco factory JTI, enterprise manufacturing trailers for passenger cars " Kreme " and others. The total volume of industrial products sold in the selling prices of enterprises in 2010 amounted to 28.77 million USD. The city is one of the leaders in the field on the average wage , ahead on this indicator Poltava. The city is a major railway junction in central Ukraine ( Southern Railway ) , has a large port on the Dnieper, and the airfield. Upstream of the Dnieper is Kremenchug HPP , part of the "Ukrhydroenergo" and forming the Kremenchug reservoir having the greatest surface in the Dnieper cascade.Kremenchug Culture and Education The city is the cultural institutions such as the Regional Historical Museum, Makarenko , City Gallery , Gallery of Natalia Yuzefovich etc. Major cultural events are held in the Municipal Palace of Culture, and in the palaces of culture at enterprises ( Palace of Culture KrAZ Dormash , refineries ) . Education is available in 6 schools , Kremenchug Melitsinskom College Summer College of National Aviation University , National University of Kremenchug . Ostrogradskii - Poltava region 's largest university , with an enrollment of over 9000 students, Kremenchug University of Economics , Information Technology and Management , Institute of Kremenchug Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law , CPG 7 , as well as offices of other universities . For sports , the city has 3 Youth , Sports Facilities ( "Polytechnic" , "Helicopter" , "Ukrtatnafta" , etc.) , numerous sections and private gyms ( "Antey" , "Spartacus", "Titan ", " Atrium "," MT- Sport "). transportation The city has two railway stations : " Kremenchug " and " The Hook- On - Dnepr " . Station " Kremenchug " - one of the largest in the Southern Pacific Railroad , is on the line Kharkiv - Poltava- Znamianka -Odessa . Direct passenger rail service has Kremenchug to Kiev , Kharkov, Moscow , Lviv, Odessa , Dnipropetrovsk , Simferopol and other major cities . Commuter trains run to Poltava Romodan , globin Horol , Pavlysh . In 2008 he was electrified with alternating current portion Kremenchug Burty - Koristovka . In 2008, launched " rail bus " for regular commuting . Also, the city has a large port on the Dnieper.
Дорогая Бабушка! Как ты? Я в порядке. Мы по-прежнему в Москве. Маша и я проводим много времени вместе. У Маши много интересов. Во-первых, она увлекается садоводством. У них есть маленький коттедж в и большой сад вокруг него. Есть много красивых цветов в этом саду. Маша и ее мама заботиться о них и цветы растут хорошо. Во-вторых,Маша увлекается коллекционированием марок. Она получила замечательную коллекцию штампов о животных и цветах. Мне интересно смотреть в её альбомы с красочными штампами. В-третьих, Маша с удовольствием ходит в театр. Она настоящий театр-посетитель! Родители Маши берут ее в театр два раза в месяц. Она любит разные спектакли: комедии и драмы, оперы и балеты. Но это еще не все. Кроме того, Маша очень хороша в спорте. Она любит заниматься спортом, потому что это делает ее сильной и здоровой. Она заинтересована в Фигурном катании, теннисе. Но они занимают много времени. Я должена закончить мое письмо. Напиши мне как можно скорее.. Люблю тебя, Энн.
Kremenchug - oblast town , railway junction and the port. Consists of Avtozavodsky and Kriukovski areas. Most of the city is situated on the left bank , a smaller ( Hooks ) - on the right . Distance to Poltava - 119 km . Kremenchug agglomeration is included in 10 of the largest in Ukraine with a population of about polumiliona people. Found near the town of minerals - large deposits of iron ore anomalies Kremenchug , granite , clay, quartz sand river . Kremenchug where founded in the XVI century for the defense of left-bank Dnieper region . Famous Ukrainian historian and ethnographer MA Markevich , in particular , believed that Kremenchug originated in 1571. economy Kremenchug is one of the major donors to the budget of Ukraine, its part in the national budget of about 7 %. The city focused engineering and manufacturing enterprise: Kremenchug refinery ( UkrTatNafta - leader of Ukrainian market of fuels and lubricants ) , Krukovka Carriages , KrAZ, one of the largest in Eastern Europe and the CIS, assembly plant KrASZ Kremenchug , Kremenchug Wheel Plant , Kremenchug road machines ( Kredmash ) , steelworks , Kremenchug Carbon Black Plant , Meat Processing , 3 bakery , Dairy , Distillery , leather saddlery factory, sewing factory 2 , 3 confectionaries " Roshen ", " Lucas ", " Daisy" , a tobacco factory JTI, enterprise manufacturing trailers for passenger cars " Kreme " and others. The total volume of industrial products sold in the selling prices of enterprises in 2010 amounted to 28.77 million USD. The city is one of the leaders in the field on the average wage , ahead on this indicator Poltava. The city is a major railway junction in central Ukraine ( Southern Railway ) , has a large port on the Dnieper, and the airfield. Upstream of the Dnieper is Kremenchug HPP , part of the "Ukrhydroenergo" and forming the Kremenchug reservoir having the greatest surface in the Dnieper cascade.Kremenchug Culture and Education The city is the cultural institutions such as the Regional Historical Museum, Makarenko , City Gallery , Gallery of Natalia Yuzefovich etc. Major cultural events are held in the Municipal Palace of Culture, and in the palaces of culture at enterprises ( Palace of Culture KrAZ Dormash , refineries ) . Education is available in 6 schools , Kremenchug Melitsinskom College Summer College of National Aviation University , National University of Kremenchug . Ostrogradskii - Poltava region 's largest university , with an enrollment of over 9000 students, Kremenchug University of Economics , Information Technology and Management , Institute of Kremenchug Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law , CPG 7 , as well as offices of other universities . For sports , the city has 3 Youth , Sports Facilities ( "Polytechnic" , "Helicopter" , "Ukrtatnafta" , etc.) , numerous sections and private gyms ( "Antey" , "Spartacus", "Titan ", " Atrium "," MT- Sport "). transportation The city has two railway stations : " Kremenchug " and " The Hook- On - Dnepr " . Station " Kremenchug " - one of the largest in the Southern Pacific Railroad , is on the line Kharkiv - Poltava- Znamianka -Odessa . Direct passenger rail service has Kremenchug to Kiev , Kharkov, Moscow , Lviv, Odessa , Dnipropetrovsk , Simferopol and other major cities . Commuter trains run to Poltava Romodan , globin Horol , Pavlysh . In 2008 he was electrified with alternating current portion Kremenchug Burty - Koristovka . In 2008, launched " rail bus " for regular commuting . Also, the city has a large port on the Dnieper.