Patient: Good morning!
Doctor: Good morning! Have a seat. What's the matter with you?
Patient: Thank you. I've had a cough for a week. Ten days ago I had a cold.
Doctor: I see. Is it a dry sort of cough or is it productive?
Patient: It is mostly dry.
Doctor: Do you have any allergies that you know of?
Patient: No, I don't have any allergy .
Doctor: Do you cough constantly throughout the entire day?
Patient: I have it almost constantly and it gets worse when I lie down.
Doctor: Have you had a fever?
Patient: Yes, but the temperature was about 37-37.5 ºC.
Doctor: Let me examine you with a stethoscope please Hmm, it looks like bronchitis. But you need to have the X-ray examination.
Hello Mother Earth!
Do you hear us? You and I are connected by one thread, and no one can break this thread. Never! Because we are your children. You are our wealth, our life! You are for us a pantry with the great treasures of life!
But we can make our farm better by keeping it clean and tidy. After all, every village, village, city and even a simple house is a part of our vast world, our huge planet Earth.
а перевод
Здравствуй, Мать-Земля!
Ты нас слышишь? Одной нитью мы с тобой связаны, и никому не под силу разорвать эту нить. Никогда! Потому что мы – твои дети. Ты наше богатство, наша жизнь! Ты для нас кладовая с великими сокровищами жизни!
Но можем сделать лучше наш хутор, соблюдая чистоту и порядок. Ведь каждое село, деревня, город и даже простой дом - это частица нашего огромного мира, нашей огромной планеты Земля.
Present continous She is always interrupting me – Она постоянно меня перебивает.
My sister is having her hair cut at the moment – В данный момент моя сестра стрижется.
I'm watching a movie at the moment – В данный момент я смотрю фильм.
Mary is cooking stew and Tom is making a salad – Мария готовит рагу, а Том делает салат.
The children are pretending to brush their teeth – Дети делают вид, что чистят зубы. Present simple They usually play tennis every weekend — Они обычно играют в теннис каждые выходные.
She brings me coffee every morning — Она приносит мне кофе каждое утро.
It snows in winter — Зимой идет снег.