3 Complete the Word Friends. Use the words in the correct form. Then, in pairs, say if the sentences are true for you. 1 Animals don't give me allergies. 2 We have a cat. I sometimes brush its but I neverits litter tray. 3 I never my parents' advice. 4 My dad's a good driver. He never risks. 5 Mum says I'm noisy but I don't think I a lot of noise. 6 We our pet very well - we never give her our food. 7 In the summer holidays! my school friends.
2. to look down on smb = a. to think that you are better than somebody
3. to look forward to = e. to be thinking with pleasure about something that is going to happen
4. to look something up = b. to look for information in a dictionary or a reference book
5. to look through smth = d. to examine or read something quickly
6. to look up to smb = f. to admire / respect someone
7. to look for smth = g. to hope for something; to expect something