Elvis Presley. American singer and actor, one of the most commercially successful singers of popular music of the XX century. His fame is so wide that many people call him only by name - Elvis. With Elvis Presley also associated sustainable phrase "King of Rock and Roll" (in America often simply "The King" - Eng. The King). Occupies the third place among the greatest artists of all time and the greatest vocalists in the magazine Rolling Stone.
Whitney Elizabeth Houston; - American pop, soul and rhythm and blues singer, actress, producer, fashion model. One of the most successful singers in the history of world music. Known for its musical achievements, vocal abilities and scandalous personal life.
Superstar status entrenched in Houston after the 1992 world wide screens the film "Bodyguard", in which she played a major role (along with Kevin Costner) and performed basic musical party. Ballad «I Will Always Love You»
Jakson. American artist, actor, author and singer-songwriter, dancer, composer, choreographer, philanthropist, entrepreneur. Their most successful artist in the history of pop music, winner of 15 Grammy Awards and hundreds of other prizes. 25 times listed in the Guinness Book of Records, has sold about a billion copies of albums Jackson. In 2009, officially recognized as a legend and an icon of American Music. Also known svoeyznamenitoy "moonwalk"
Svetlana afanasievna svetlichnaya was born on may 15, 1940 in leninakan (now gyumri) in armenia. her father afanasy mikhailovich svetlichny served in smersh during the war, participated in special operations of military intelligence, served as a lieutenant colonel, had many orders[2], the family often moved. svetlana went to school in akhtyrka, sumy region, graduated from school in sovetsk, kaliningrad region, in 1958, svetlana's father resigned, and the family settled in melitopol[3]. in the same year, largely thanks to the persistence of the mother maria fiodorovna svetlichny[4], svetlana managed to do to vgik on the course by mikhail romm.
Королевство Камелот погружено в хаос. Чародейство и волшебство сеют смуту среди людей. Пришедший к власти Утер Пендрагон запрещает колдовство под страхом смерти, изгоняет волшебников, убивает всех драконов, оставляя в назидание лишь одного. Через 20 лет в Камелот прибывает Мерлин, уроженец маленькой деревушки, рождённый с волшебными Он становится придворного лекаря, Гаюса, который ему найти предназначение его даров. Выполняя одно из поручений Гаюса, он ввязывается в стычку с воином, который оказывается сыном короля, Артуром, и попадает в тюрьму. Там он впервые слышит зов дракона, не доступный никому из обычных людей. Этот голос преследует Мерлина во сне, и в конце концов он следует ему в подземелье замка, где заточен дракон. Он открывает Мерлину, что его предназначение принцу Артуру, будущему королю Камелота, объединить враждующие королевства острова Альбион.
American singer and actor, one of the most commercially successful singers of popular music of the XX century. His fame is so wide that many people call him only by name - Elvis. With Elvis Presley also associated sustainable phrase "King of Rock and Roll" (in America often simply "The King" - Eng. The King). Occupies the third place among the greatest artists of all time and the greatest vocalists in the magazine Rolling Stone.
Whitney Elizabeth Houston; - American pop, soul and rhythm and blues singer, actress, producer, fashion model. One of the most successful singers in the history of world music. Known for its musical achievements, vocal abilities and scandalous personal life.
Superstar status entrenched in Houston after the 1992 world wide screens the film "Bodyguard", in which she played a major role (along with Kevin Costner) and performed basic musical party. Ballad «I Will Always Love You»
American artist, actor, author and singer-songwriter, dancer, composer, choreographer, philanthropist, entrepreneur. Their most successful artist in the history of pop music, winner of 15 Grammy Awards and hundreds of other prizes. 25 times listed in the Guinness Book of Records, has sold about a billion copies of albums Jackson. In 2009, officially recognized as a legend and an icon of American Music. Also known svoeyznamenitoy "moonwalk"