Make sentences about your hobby and use these word combinations: In my free time I…
When I have some spare time I…
When I get the time, I…
I relax by watching TV / listening to music, etc.
My hobbies are bird-watching / playing sport, etc.
I’m interested in (+ noun / gerund)
I’m keen on (+ noun / gerund)
I’m into (+ noun / gerund)
I enjoy (+ noun / gerund)
2. I wish my refrigerator would stop making (составное сказуемое - прекратить делать) that terrible noise. You can’t hear anyone speaking.
3. The results received (определение - какие результаты) were of great importance for further work.
4. People living (определение - какие люди) in Japan have some customs different from ours.
We had already had lunch when he came.