Когда пришельцы напали на Казахстан первым делом они приземлятся, а кто то из прохожих заметит это нечто и начнет снимать. Когда пришельцы приземлятся они начнут все осматривать ведь если бы они хотели уничтожить планету надо сначала ее изучить. Так вот пришельцы проводили эксперименты. ставили опыты, искали материалы для смертельного оружия и т.д. Вернёмся к прохожему он показал это видео в интернет конечно, и все начали говорить что это не правда, что это монтаж, а потом видео дойдет до военных и они начнут искать этих пришельцев, везде все проверять, смотреть и все такое, а пришельцы же не глупые спрятались в укромное место и ждут.
Ну как если не тяжело дай коронку
И подпишись на меня а я на вас
4.He is not in a position to offer anyone a post officially until he speaks to___ d. □ the
__ Board.
a. □ — b. □ a
c. □ an 5.After the success of its latest product, the company has returned to__ d. □ profitability
а. □ profiteering b. □ profiting
c. □ profit
6. Will you have got a good weekly income from your pension__ c. □ when ___ __ you
a. □ after b. □ while
d. □ before
7.My friend Lucy is a morning person, but I'm not. I always get up___d. □ much later___than she does.
a. □ more laterb. □ much earlier
c. □ more earlier
8.Henry's job doesn't interest him. Henry is a employee. Henry's job
is . . □ bored; boring
9.Не received a master's degree b. □in agricultural economics from
Cornell University.
a. □for
c. □about d. □on
10.The training was provided a. □at ___significant expense to the company.
b. □about
c. □on d. □fo
11.The company aims to increase their market by branching__ b. □ out
__into new areas of business.
a.□off c.□in d. □ up
12.I' ve just been to the council meeting. It looks like they__ d. □ are going to build __a new shopping centre in town.
a. □will build b. □ will be building
c. □are building d. □ are going to build
13.Don't disturb me, I've got a report b□ to write by lunchtime.
a. □being writtenb.
c. □having been written d. □ to be written
14.The PA__ a. □won’t book __my flights. She says it isn't in her job description.
b. □can’t book
c. □mustn’t book d. □shouldn’t book
It is great to live in a city that provides great opportunities for learning and entertainment for young people. But the city also has many disadvantages, so I am quite happy that I live in the village.
I like my village. It is small, but has a beautiful large lake, so we can often swim and fish in the summer, and in the winter we can go sledding and skating.
There aren't many people living in our village, but we know each other by sight. When we meet someone from the village, we always say Hello and exchange kind words and wishes. Neighbours often help each other in any way they can. I know all the kids in the neighbourhood. We play various games together and help each other do their homework.
The school also has a library. Often we take books and educational literature from our library, and the presence of computers in it helps us to communicate with the whole world.It's great when you Wake up in the morning to the roosters singing, and your favorite dog pulls off your blanket and drags you into the garden. In the morning at