1. The towns wouldn't have been destroyed if the volcano hadn’t been so destructive. 2. If the inhabitants had evacuated early enough, the terrible disaster would have been averted. 3. If the weather is gloomy, we will stay in the hotel and read. 4. If I heard a loud, shrill, frightening noise while at the beach, I would return to the hotel immediately. 5. A tsunami would be set off, if a nearly volcano erupted. 6. If the curious children and adults hadn’t gone on the beach to investigate the strange sound, they wouldn't have lost their lives.8. If you want to be safe during a tsunami, you will move miles inland. 9. When the sea draws back it means that a tsunami will come soon. 10. Many lives would have been saved, if the guest at the hotel had taken precautions.
Dear Sir/Madam
I accept your invitation. I had a great desire to try myself in something new, apparently this day has come. I love animals very much, that's why I couldn't pass by this event! My ideas about holding this event : it will be possible to gather a lot of people and everyone to help financially, then go to the pet store and buy everything you need, then take everything to the nursery or feed the homeless animals. Animals in our world are the most defenseless creatures, which is why I feel more sorry for animals than for people. After all, people can protect themselves, but animals can't. But still, I would most like to feed the stray animals, and then take them to the kennel.Our main goal is to gather as many good people as possible.
I look forward to receiving your reply
With best wishes ( напиши своё имя )
Дорогой Сэр или Мадам
Я принимаю ваше приглашение. У меня появилось большое желание попробовать себя в чём-то новом, видимо этот день настал. Я очень люблю животных, вот из-за этого не смогла пройти мимо данного мероприятия! Мои идеи по поводу проведения этого события : можно будет собрать много людей и каждый чтобы материально, после поехать в зоомагазин и купить всё самое необходимое, далее отнести всё в питомник или накормить бездомных животных. Животные в нашем мире самые беззащитные создания, вот поэтому мне больше жалко животных, чем людей. Ведь люди могут защититься, а животные нет. Но всё же я больше всего хочу покормить бездомных животных, а после отвезти их в питомник. Главная наша цель - созвать как можно больше добрых людей.
С нетерпением жду ответного письма
С наилучшими пожеланиями ( твой имя )
1. They asked him what film he was going to do next.
2. They asked him when he would start work on his next film.
3. They asked him what his best film was.
4. They asked him whether he was planning to attend the film festival.