a) Look at the photos of the Ukranian landscapes. Say how the land is being used in Ukraine today, Use different tense forms of the Passive Voice. Talk about: • farming; . living; • habitats.
My favorite recipe is borsh. It's the national Ukrain soup. I love it. And I eat this every 2 days. I can't cook it by myself, but my mom always cook it for me. The main ingridient is beet. That's why borsh has red colour. And I also eat it with a sour cream. Sometimes I take a bread, make a sandwich (this time by myself) and eat it with borsh. Many people think that this is russian dish. But it is not. It takes its history from 12-th century. And it is more slavic. But I think ukranians made it firstly.
We all prefer ...home-made... food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So we like to have our .. meals... at home. But when we are at work , have no time or don't want to cook we usually go to cafes or fast food restaurants to have our ... lunch or dinner there . If we are very busy we have tea or coffee in a cafe we may take .food... away to have it later in the office, at home or in a car. We use spoons and forks at home , but very rarely use knives.. . At restaurants we must remember about table manners, use knives and , keep our elbows off the table. Food in restaurants is for all tastes : potatoes, fish , salads of tomatoes, .cucubbers and cabbage. For dessert we can have ice-cream.. with fruits, like bananas or orange.
Many people think that this is russian dish. But it is not. It takes its history from 12-th century. And it is more slavic. But I think ukranians made it firstly.