Choose the correct items. Sometimes two are correct. 1) I mustn’t / needn’t / don’t have to do this exercise but it might help.
2) You mustn’t / needn’t / don’t have to think I’m always this tired and irritable after work. I’ve just had a bad day. 3) We mustn’t / needn’t / don’t have to book a table, the restaurant won’t be full on a Monday night.
4) Do you really must / need to / have to go now? Can’t you stay a bit longer?
5) You mustn’t / don’t need to / don’t have to eat all your vegetables. Just have the carrots.
6) You didn’t need to wake / needn’t have woken me up, I’m not going to work today.
7) The doctor said that I didn’t need to take / didn’t have to take / needn’t have taken the tablets any longer because the rash was so much better.
8) Have I must / need to / got to ring and confirm my room reservation?
9) We didn’t need to buy / needn’t have bought all that champagne for the party. Only three people came!
10) I didn’t need to hurry / needn’t have hurried, so I didn’t. I took my time.
1. Who do you love? (Кого ты любишь?)
2.Who likes to play chess? (Кто любит играть в шахматы?)
3.Who has done the homework? (Кто сделал домашнее задание?)
4. What do you do in the evening? (Что ты делаешь вечером?)
5. What rules do you discuss at school? (Какие правила вы обсуждаете в школе?)
6. When does the train arrive? (Когда прибывает поезд?)
7. When did you take a picture of a lizard in the zoo? (Когда вы сфотографировали ящерицу в зоопарке?)
8. Where do you go? (Куда ты идешь?)
9. Where may I close the window? (Где я могу закрыть окно?)
10. Which magazine did you buy? (Который из журналов вы купили?)
11. Whose book is this? (Чья это книга?)
12. Whose is this red pen? (Кому принадлежит эта красная ручка?)
13. Where did you stay in Madrid? (Где ты остановился в Мадриде?)
14. Who told you the news? (Кто рассказал тебе новости? )
15. What kind of trip will they choose? (Какую поездку они выберут?)