Healthy lifestyle
Sport is very important part of our live, sport is very necessary thing for our health, but many people like doing sport as hobby.
Usually, I prefer watching football matches on TV, but I like run in the mornings. Because I like sport, and I need to stay healthy.
No, I don't. I've already said that I prefer run in the mornings.
I think that the most dangerous sport is driving a motorcycle, it can cause bone fractures, internal bruises, and much more.
I can't choose one people, but I know that athletes are very healthy. They're do almost all types of physical exercise, maintaining a healthy shape.
I have a bit healthy habits, for example, exercise in the morning, no smoking.
I think mental health is a bit more important, because if you lose it, you can lose also physical health. But it doesn't mean that you don't need to take care of your physical health, you need to maintain balance.
Я не знаю каким спортом занимается/увлекается автор вопроса, по сему писал достаточно стандартно - бегает по утрам, болеет за футбол.
1. United Nations General Assembly started the Volunteer Day.
2. They pay tribute to one another for their tremendous efforts.
3. Rallies, parades, community volunteering projects, enviromental awareness projects and free medical care.
4. Organisers use the IVD day to recruit even more volunteers.
1. ...United Nations General Assembly decided to adopt a day to celebrate volunteers.
2. ...come together to celebrate International Volunteer Day (IVD)
3. ...They organise rallies, parades, community volunteering projects, enviromental awareness projects and free medical care.
4. ...organisers use it as an opportunity to recruit even more volunteers.