How I Help to Protect Our Environment
We rarely think about what kind of world our future generations will live in. Meanwhile, each of us is able to contribute to protection of nature.
I have been thinking about the ways I can help to save nature. First of all, my parents and I try to walk more or ride our bicycles. Each time we keep away from using our car, we reduce air pollution and consume less oil. We also remember to switch off lights and avoid using disposable cups and plates, as well as plastic shopping bags. I always go shopping with a reusable canvas bag. Besides, we buy recyclable paper products to protect forests. I collect used papers, old newspapers, magazines, bottles and any other things that can be recycled. Another great way to protect our nature is to take part in river cleanup events in your city and collect litter that could destroy the natural homesites of birds and fish. I also remember not to waste water.
These may seem small and simple things, but I believe they help to protect our environment .
2) to write an article Мы ждём, что Марк напишет статью для газеты.
3) come back home. Дождь заставил нас вернуться домой.
4) enter the room. Я видел, что он вошёл в комнату.
5) to be asked Они не любят, когда их спрашивают об этом.
6) to be done Ожидаешь ли ты, что работа будет сделана завтра,
7)We heard Tom speak at the conference.
8)I know her to work and study.
9)We think this student to pass his exam in Physics successfully.
1) to graduate from the university in five years.
2) to go into operation next years.
3) to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists.
4) to be published soon.
5) to be situated on the Angara River.
6) to be very much interested in computers.
7) to inform us about their plans.
8) to leave for Moscow tomorrow.
9) to have been published