We spent the whole day swimming and playing football by the lake. It was so much fun that we lost the track of time. Then Serezha and I went to pick berries and we were competing who was going to get more wild strawberries
My morning was no different from those I normally have. However, I knew there is an important test ahead. Our teacher of Maths calls it a final exam of the year. So, you can imagine how important it was for everyone. I spent a week preparing for this test. As I said, my morning went quite well, but since the time I stepped out into the street the minor problems and misfortunes began
Дорогие друзья, Это письмо я пишу вам из Англии. Меня зовут Нелл Смит. Мне 13 лет. Я хожу в среднюю общеобразовательную школу. Она очень большая. В нашей стране много школ,где вместе учатся девочки и мальчики,но есть и те,где учатся раздельно. Наша школа огромна,здесь много учителей и учеников. У нас есть директор,замдиректора,более 30 учителей и около тысячи учеников. Поскольку школа общеобразовательная,у нас есть как преподаваемые всем предметы,так и дополнительные. В качестве них вы можете выбрать даже уход и домохозяйство. В школу мы ходим пять дней в неделю,с понедельника по пятницу. В субботу и воскресенье -- выходной. В 8:45 я прихожу в школу,уроки начинаются в 9:00. Уроков пять: два до завтрака и три после. После обеда ещё два дополнительных занятия. В 15:40 всё заканчивается и я обычно иду домой. Когда я прихожу домой,то начинаю делать домашние задания. В школе я изучаю 13 предметов: английский,математику,французский,немецкий,биологию,историю, географию,рукоделие,ИЗО,игры,физкультуру,музыку и религию. Заканчивая своё письмо,я хотел бы спросить тебя кое о чём. Так ли сильно общеобразовательные школы Казахстана отличаются от наших? Мальчики и девочки учатся вместе или раздельно? Какие предметы преподаются в вашей школе? Сколько ты их изучаешь? Каков твой учебный день? Отличается от нашего напиши мне о своей школе.
1. a. Mrs Smith doesn't spend her weekends gardening. b. Does Mrs Smith spend her weekends gardening? 2. a. Harry doesn't prefer to travel by air. b. Does Harry prefer to travel by air? 3. a. I don't do a lot of travelling. b. Do I do a lot of travelling? 4. a. They don't wish to speak to you. b. Do they wish to speak to you? 5. a. The children don't like sweets. b. Do the children like sweets? 6. a. Tom doesn't enjoy driving at night. b. Does Tom enjoy driving at night? 7. a. They don't sell fresh grape juice here. b. Do they sell fresh grape juice here? 8. a. My brother doesn't smoke a lot. b. Does my brother smoke a lot? 9. a. I don't brush my teeth every night. b. Do I brush my teeth every night? 10. a. The boys don't hurry home after school. b. Do the boys hurry home after school? 11. a. The taxes don't rise every year. b. Do the taxes rise every year? 12. a. I don't use a computer in my work. b. Do I use a computer in my work? 13. a. Mart doesn't work hard at her pronunciation. b. Does Mart work hard at her pronunciation? 14. a. Betty doesn't go out with someone every Saturday. b. Does Betty go out with someone every Saturday? 15. a. Nick doesn't like porriage. b. Does Nick like porriage? 16. a. My working day doesn't last eight hours. b. Does my working day last eight hours?
We spent the whole day swimming and playing football by the lake. It was so much fun that we lost the track of time. Then Serezha and I went to pick berries and we were competing who was going to get more wild strawberries
My morning was no different from those I normally have. However, I knew there is an important test ahead. Our teacher of Maths calls it a final exam of the year. So, you can imagine how important it was for everyone. I spent a week preparing for this test. As I said, my morning went quite well, but since the time I stepped out into the street the minor problems and misfortunes began