- Hello , Andrew ! - Hey, Pete ! - Andrew , you have decided which college will you join ? I'm sorry that I did once ask openly , but for me , this topic is painful ! - It's okay to not have this issue. I will join the Medical University . - You decided to be a doctor ? - Yes, but have not decided exactly how . I bow to to become a surgeon. But I need not address this issue now. Povchusya three years, you will choose a specialization . - Why you decided to become a doctor ? - I believe that the surgeon is able to work . I have strong nerves and a keen eye ! In addition, doctors are now very badly needed in the country without a job , I will not stay ! - I'm probably the state attorney. Mom forces . - What are you , you're never interested in jurisprudence ! You have a completely different choice ! Remember, we're a bike from parts collected ? And you to him then attached a motor ? - I know. I prefer technology . But mom eats my head saying , become a lawyer , you'll earn big money. You'll say, sitting in his office wearing a white shirt. And the state engineer , the lifetime of the plant is run . - Pete , I do not want to hurt your mother , but it is outdated information. Now the country's surplus of lawyers, engineers, but just not enough. Where are you then vlashtuyeshsya to work if you have no talent for the law ? - You think so? - You know Natalia Babi ? It somehow , out of the three , graduated from the Law . Now, two years of work can not find ! - Really ... Well, well! Goodbye my friend , I'm sure to think about over your advice. I myself all this law does not like ... - Bye, Pete ! Good luck to you ! Desktop links withheld
1)After breakfast Tiny does his homework. -After breakfast Tiny does not do his homework. He leaves his house and goes to school
2)Tiny has lunch at half past two.-Tiny doesn*t have lunch at half past two. He has lunch at 2 sharp.Tiny watches TV at half past two
3)After lunch Tine plays the piano.-After lunch TinY does not play the piano.-After lunch Tine plays COMPUTER GAMES.
4)His friends visit him in the afternoon. -His friends don*t visit him in the afternoon. His friends visit him in the evening.