1) Around the lake, there are beautiful pine trees and pretty groves of birch trees.
2) he realized that if any of the other people recognized him, they would be uncomfortable and wouldn’t dance or sing freely.
3) everyone was having a great time playing games and sports.
4) Because he was amazed by the grace of all young women so he jumped up out of his seat and started complimenting the dancers on their skill and beauty.
5) the girls recognized the Khan. They were so terrified that they froze where they stood and turned into a grove of white birch trees!
Ex 1
Domestic: Wild: Pet:
sheep (овца) bear (медведь) hamster (хомяк)
horse (лошадь) eagle (орел) rabbit (кролик)
cow (корова) elephant (слон)
duck (утка) chimpanzee (шимпанзе)
chicken (курица) fox (лиса)
squirrel (белка)
Ex 2
trout (форель) bull (бык)
1. eyes (глаза) 1. horns (рога)
2. tail (хвост) 2. ears (уши)
3. scales (чешуя) 3. fur (мех, шерсть)
4. fin (плавник) 4. body (тело)
5. mouth (рот) 5. hooves (копыта)
6. legs (ноги)
parrot (попугай)
1. beak (клюв)
2. head (голова)
3. wings (крылья)
4. claws (когти)
5. feathers (перья)
as a rule, I wake up at 10:00 and go to wash. I eat and do my homework. As a rule, I need to leave at 14:00