1.Let your experts review our latest catalogs. 2.Gray said, that the new model of our machine meets their requirements and they are going to place a large order with us. 3.Find out, please, whether your customers will be able to accept the goods in parts. 4.Tell him don't hang up. Mr. Kotov wants to talk to him. 5.Translate the letter of this company, please, and pass it to the director of your office. 6. in St. Petersburg, the weather is as volatile as in the Moscow? - Yes. 7. Have you noticed that it's raining now?- No. 8. It rained hard yesterday morning, and we had to stay at home. 9.We'll have to improve the DS model. In this case, the firm will order from us 50 machinetools.
Let your team review our latest catalogs 2 Gray said that the new model of our machine meets their requirements and they are going to place a large order with us. 3 Ask, please, will your customers be able to accept the goods in parts 4 Tell him not to hang up. Mr. Kotov wants to talk to him. 5 Translate the letter of this company, please, and pass it to the director of your office 6. In St. Petersburg, the weather is as volatile as in the Mosque? - Yes. 7. - Did you notice that it is raining now? - No. 8. It rained heavily yesterday morning, and we had to stay at home. 9. We will have to improve the DS model. In this case, the firm will order from us 50 machines
2.Gray said, that the new model of our machine meets their requirements and they are going to place a large order with us.
3.Find out, please, whether your customers will be able to accept the goods in parts.
4.Tell him don't hang up. Mr. Kotov wants to talk to him.
5.Translate the letter of this company, please, and pass it to the director of your office.
6. in St. Petersburg, the weather is as volatile as in the Moscow? - Yes.
7. Have you noticed that it's raining now?- No.
8. It rained hard yesterday morning, and we had to stay at home.
9.We'll have to improve the DS model. In this case, the firm will order from us 50 machinetools.