2014 Winter Olympics (born. 2014 Winter Olympics, fr. Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2014, the official name of the XXII Olympic Winter Games) - international sporting event, held in the Russian city of Sochi, from 7 to 23 February 2014. The capital of the Olympic Games - 2014 was chosen during the 119th IOC Session in Guatemala City July 4, 2007. In Russia, the Olympic Games were held for the second time (previously in the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games were held), and for the first time - the Winter Games. At the end of the Olympic Games on the same objects were carried Paralympic Winter Games. Games in Sochi are the twenty-second (XXII) winter in a row (symbolic that the twenty-second summer Games were in 1980 in Moscow). Compared with the 2010 Games in Vancouver, the number of competitions in various disciplines increased to 12 in total were raffled 98 sets of medals.
1 The car was pushed to the side and was repaired. 2 Interesting books are often devoured without noticing the beauty of the author's style.3 Some pocket money is often given to the teenager children by their parents. 4 A bargain was made by Merrymind when he bought the fiddle at the fair. 5 A harmless joke was played by me and I don't want you to rush at me. 6 Little children shouldn't be threatened. 7 The whole house had been turned upside down: I couldn't believe my eyes! 8 The luggage has been weighted carefully. Don't worry.
Games in Sochi are the twenty-second (XXII) winter in a row (symbolic that the twenty-second summer Games were in 1980 in Moscow). Compared with the 2010 Games in Vancouver, the number of competitions in various disciplines increased to 12 in total were raffled 98 sets of medals.