1) написать вопросы к следующим предложениям 1) They will in England next summer 2) He had to these texts 3) My brother bought books yesterday 2) напишите к предложениям have to и нужно по английскому
In my opinion, the future is going to change the present cars. I think, that the cars will fly, because there will be too many of them on the roads. Also, cars will less pollute the enviroment, or won't at all. And, of course, they will be less dangerouse to drive, because they will be driven by auto-pilot.
По моему мнению, будущее изменит машины настоящего. Я думаю, что машины будут летать, так как их будет слишком много на дорогах. Также, машины будут меньше загрязнять окружающую среду или не будут вовсе. И, конечно же, они будут гораздо безопаснее, потому что будут управляться авто пилотом.
But how many car drivers were killed by Mooses last year? It's a readers letterThe world 150 metre record was broken for the the third time this week! SportsA new kind of spiders were discovered. It was found by the scientists in the rain forests during their last expedition . ScienceDepp isn't asked to play tragic roles very often, but he is really great at it. TV guideThe splendid couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is photographed everywhere. Gossip column More than 23 sailors were invited at the annual Queen's dinner. They were received in Buckingham Palace yesterday. International news
a) They have some plans for next summer?
b) Why he has these texts?
c) Where was your brother yesterday?
a) have to
b) had to