I think the summer - the best time of year, because the heat around very nicely and we have a wonderful opportunity to relax . Summer - the time of holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere, to spend time by the river or a lake on fresh green grass , swim in the warm water , or climb mountains, or play games , ride a bike , etc. I'll tell you the most memorable moment of the past summer vacation. In July, the whole family went to the woods to the barbecue . Made a fire , cooked meat for frying and put up a tent . While the parents were engaged in preparing dinner, I went to the woods to work up an appetite How beautiful was the forest that day ... The air smelled of flowers , honey and strawberries. Everything was green, but the trees stood out brightly against a dark green background. Birds chirp in the language, the woodpecker tapping . And then I heard suspicious noises ... as if someone whispered to me. I looked around and saw ... a snake ! I held my breath . I do not remember what she looks like , because much frightened and began to retreat slowly , and then rushed as fast as possible to our camp . I did not talk about what happened to my mother that she was not worried . Soon after dinner and have some fun , we packed up and went home. Sigh ... How quickly time flies . I wish I could recreate those moments , those feelings that you experienced during the holidays. But it remains to believe that next summer will be the same , unforgettable !
It's a well-known fact that English is a very popular language. People all over the world learn English and find it necessary. More then four hundred million people speak English as their native language and it is the official language in many countries. English is a language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sports and music. It is very popular and studied in many schools and universities. So why learn it? Someone wants to work or study abroad, someone likes to travel and wants to travel around the entire planet and knowledge of English will help to understand other people from different countries. Some people just enjoy learning something new.So, why do I need the English language? The first reason is that English is an international language. Therefore, we should learn it to be able to understand others. The second reason is the English language can be useful in many professions, such as manager, programmer, businessman, advertiser and so on. And the third reason is being an educated person means knowing at least one foreign language. Summing everything up I'd like to say that every person should know English.
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