Prepare a short report about three recent events you found interesting. Answer the questions Who?, What?, Where?, When?, and Why? Don't forget about an eye-catching headline and bright pictures to attract the reader.
Підготуйте короткий звіт про три нещодавні події, які вас зацікавили. Дайте відповіді на запитання Хто?, Що?, Де?, Коли?, Чому? Не забудьте про привабливий заголовок і яскраві картинки, щоб привернути увагу читача.
2) I am the perfect person for this job because it is my vocation! It is very essential to do that thing that you are the best in and love it!
3) I have been working with children for over 15 years. Therefore, I have already got used to the noise they make)
4) I am thought by my collegges to be very responsible, thoughtful, kind and extremely generous. Children never get bored with me!
5) I want children to be more interested in studying. Indeed, plenty of children hate going to school. In my opinion, everything depends on teacher. I wish there were more teachers who would treat their student as their own kids. And I really want it to be more popularized.
6) What is the most essential must-have in your corporation? And how much my work is going to be paid?