Летом мы с отцом поехали на рыбалку. Там мы поймали огромную рыбу .Потом когда мы приехали, мама устроила пир.На следующий день я поехал к родственику ,там мы устроили пикник, катались на велосипедах ,потом на кочелях.Это было лучшее лето.Мне понравилось! In summer my father and I went fishing. There we caught a huge fish .Then when we arrived, my mother arranged a feast.The next day I went to my relative ,where we had a picnic, riding bicycles ,then on the swings.It was the best summer ever.I loved it!
The Cathedral of St. Paul (the English Church) is the official residence of the bishop and is considered the spiritual center of the capital. The erection of this majestic church lasted more than 30 years. This cathedral keeps in itself the spirit of Christianity. Separately it is necessary to note the house, the address of which is known practically to all world, Baker Street. In this house lived and worked himself Sherlock Holmes - the most popular fictional character in the history of world literature. The Sherlock Holmes room is very popular among tourists in this house. It is a rare case when the writer's ordinary fantasy, multiplied by the active character of the capital, materialized into reality