1. When someone is behind bars,
2. If someone is in the dock,
3. If someone is on the case,
4. When someone is serving time,
5. If people take no prisoners, a) they are on a trial in court.
b) they do things in a very aggressive way.
c) they are in prison. (2)
d) they are very close friends.
e) they are skillful thieves who break into places without disturbing people.
f) they’re dealing with a problem.
6. If people are as thick as thieves,
7. If someone is a cat burglar,
8. If someone makes a killing,
9. If someone is making big bucks, g) they are making a lot of money.
h) they do something once that makes them a lot of money.
Attic [ˈætɪk] – чердак
balcony [ˈbælkənɪ] – балкон
basement – цокольный этаж, фундамент
bathroom [bɑːθruːm] – ванная комната
bedroom [bedruːm ] – спальня
ceiling – потолок
cellar [ˈselə(r)] – подвал
chimney – труба, дымоход
dining room [daɪniŋruːm] – столовая
door [dɔː] – дверь
flat [flæt] – квартира
floor [flɔː] – пол
hall [hɔːl] – коридор
house [‘haus] – дом
kitchen [ˈkɪtſɪn] – кухня
living/sitting room [ˈlɪvɪŋ], [ˈsɪtɪŋruːm] – гостиная
roof [ruːf] – крыша
stairs [steəs] – лестница
study [ˈstʌdɪ] – кабинет
wall [wɔːl] – стена
window [‘windou]
– окно