1. My mother read a book that I gave her for her birthday.
2. I didn't call you because I was already asleep
3. When I entered the store, they waited for me for 2 hours.
4. When I came home, my sister had already watched the movie.
5. He wrote homework 5 minutes, when mom came.
6.When my dad arrived, we waited for him for 30 minutes.
7. When my friends came, I waited for them all evening.
8. After he returned home, his mother knocked on the door.
9. When the teacher entered the class, the children had already done the exercise.
10. When my mom came in, I ate an apple for 2 minutes.
11.Nick opened his eyes and remembered what happened to him.
12. We wrote a test of 2 lessons, when the teacher entered.
13. Before dad came home, we had dinner.
14. I did my homework by 10 o'clock.
15. She taught English before she entered the university.
16. My dog was waiting for me 5 minutes when I bought a gift.
17. When John came home, we left with our friends.
18. When I was in the park, I met my friends who were waiting for me for 3 hours
19. I was with my friends till 6 o'clock.
20.I didn't come because I was doing my homework all day.
1. My mother read a book that I gave her for her birthday.
2. I didn't call you because I was already asleep
3. When I entered the store, they waited for me for 2 hours.
4. When I came home, my sister had already watched the movie.
5. He wrote homework 5 minutes, when mom came.
6.When my dad arrived, we waited for him for 30 minutes.
7. When my friends came, I waited for them all evening.
8. After he returned home, his mother knocked on the door.
9. When the teacher entered the class, the children had already done the exercise.
10. When my mom came in, I ate an apple for 2 minutes.
11.Nick opened his eyes and remembered what happened to him.
12. We wrote a test of 2 lessons, when the teacher entered.
13. Before dad came home, we had dinner.
14. I did my homework by 10 o'clock.
15. She taught English before she entered the university.
16. My dog was waiting for me 5 minutes when I bought a gift.
17. When John came home, we left with our friends.
18. When I was in the park, I met my friends who were waiting for me for 3 hours
19. I was with my friends till 6 o'clock.
20.I didn't come because I was doing my homework all day.
Опівдні Джастін і його дідусь підійшли до маленького сараю1. Б «Ми будемо тут обідати», — сказав дідусь. Він узяв із сараю чорні залізні горщики, кілька тарілок, ножів, ложок і стіл. Вони збиралися готувати на вулиці. Спочатку збирали деревину, палиці та суху траву. Незабаром у них спалахнула гаряча пожежа. Дідусь ретельно вимив руки. Після цього він почав готувати їм обід. Джастін дивився, як готує його дідусь. Спочатку він поклав підняття3 в каструлю з невеликою кількістю води і поставив їх на вогонь. Потім на сковороду насипав борошно. Після цього він зробив дірку прямо в середині борошна. У ту ямку дід поклав якусь укорочення. Потім додав води. Він змішав борошно, воду і заправку. Невдовзі дідусь почав готувати печиво. За кілька хвилин запах був такий приємний, що Джастін ледве дочекався.