It was the middle of November and Tina felt down and depressed. Late autumn was the __worst_ season of the year. BAD It often rained__, and Tina had to spend most of her time indoors. Because of this, she really welcomed the changes in her school routine. The school administration introduced a new class - a dance class. RAIN But not everyone was happy! The boys said that it __was_ a waste of time. BE They often missed the class and, when they attended, they __didn’t listen to the teacher’s instructions but tried to make fun of everything. NOT/LISTEN “I wish we __had_ a class for girls only,” Tina thought. HAVE The Junior Dance Competition ___was held___ in their town every year. It was a spectacular show. HOLD “Your dancing __improves__ every day,” the teacher said one day. IMPROVE “If you go on like this, you __will have a chance to take part in the Dance Competition next month.” HAVE Tina imagined herself wearing a beautiful dress and elegant shoes on her _feet_. She decided it was something she’d like to try. FOOT
Приключение - это реальная история про героя, который отправляется в необычное путешествие и делает новые и опасные вещи.
2. A fantasy (можно еще по-другому сказать science fiction) story is about events that take place in the future or in space and usualy describes strange creaturs and robots.
Фантастика - это история про события, которые происходят в будущем или в космосе, и описывает странные создания или роботов.
3. A tragedy is a serious and emotional play, written for the theatre, television or radio.Трагедия - это серьезная и эмоциональная постановка, которая написана для театра, телевидения или радио.
4. A detective is story about a crime or a strange event that is difficult to explain.
Детектив - это история про преступление или о загадочном событии, которое трудно объяснить.
5. A comedy is a funny story with a happy ending.
Комедия - это забавная история с счастливым концом.
6. A biography is the story of a person`s life written by another person.
Биография - это история о каком-то человеке, написанная другим человеком.