I love the winter holidays, because they are filled with holidays. But probably that is why they are very fast. This year as usual vacation began with the school Christmas tree. On this day after the dances and Santa Claus we class arranged a private concert with gifts. I was leading. At first I was very nervous, but then I liked to lead the program. At home we put up the Christmas tree and decorated all the rooms tinsel and figures of dwarves. On December 31, we had my grandmother and grandfather. We met together to celebrate the New year, went to the street launched missiles and burned Bengal candles. In the morning, Santa Claus brought us gifts under the tree. And then the holidays just flew. My brother and I watched cartoons, played in the computer, went to rehearsals. 7 January, we were at a Christmas concert. So quietly that I spent my winter vacation.
1-b (studies) Мария учит английский каждый день. Present Indefinite
2-a (didn’t go)Я никуда не выходил вчера вечером(ночью). Я был слишком уставшим. Past Indefinite
3-d (I visit) Я иду к врачу после школы поэтому не смогу играть с тобой в теннис. Present Indefinite
5-c (does your uncle live) Где живет твой дядя? «В деревне рядом с Лондоном» Present Indefinite
6-a (is taking) Сейчас медсестра ухаживает за пациентом Present Continuous
7-b (have already finished) Мы уже закончили проект, можем вам его представить. Present perfect
8-d (will have) Завтра у моих друзей будет практика в стоматологической поликлинике. Future Indefinite
9-b (like) Я не люблю боевики, но мне нравятся любовные истории. Present Indefinite
10-c (was waiting) Мой друг ожидал меня когда я прибыл. Past Continuous
11-a (took) Лайза ответила мне вчера, когда я позвонил ей. Past Indefinite
12-a (will have cooked) Завтра в 2 часа я приготовлю обед. Future Perfect