-- Hello. I saw an ad that here you can donate money. Is that so? If yes, then I would like to do it!
-- Oh yes! That's true, you can donate to our organization to help the whales.
-- That's great! Then... how much money should I give you?
-- Well, you have a choice there! If you want to become a part of Adopt-a-Whale membership, then you need to pay 50. If you're okay with a regular memebership, then it will be 25.
-- "Adopt-a-Whale"? That's sound interesting... Will they give me a whale if I pay 50?
--- No, no! This option means that your money will also go to the needs of organizations that are looking for the most suitable places for whales.
-- Oh, okay! Then I select this option. Every whale deserves to live in a good place. Here, take the money.
I love music and I can say that I’m fond of a lot of music styles. It depends on my mood: sometimes I need some energetic and light disco music but I can also enjoy metal, jazz pieces of music as well. And there is one singer I can listen to at any time. His name is Varg. My love for him began about a year ago. A friend turned it on at full volume so that I almost fell off the chair, as it was loud and very hard metal, as I thought before. Soon, I began to listen to him constantly. My favorite songs are “Heil Odinn” and “War”. Varg is a Norwegian musician, writer, and convicted murderer. In 1991, he founded the one-man music project Burzum, which became one of the most influential black metal acts. In 1994, he was convicted of murder and arson, and subsequently served 15 years in prison. But despite the fact that Varg is a rather cruel and bloody person, I love his music, because it betrays me energy and self-confidence.
-- Hello. I saw an ad that here you can donate money. Is that so? If yes, then I would like to do it!
-- Oh yes! That's true, you can donate to our organization to help the whales.
-- That's great! Then... how much money should I give you?
-- Well, you have a choice there! If you want to become a part of Adopt-a-Whale membership, then you need to pay 50. If you're okay with a regular memebership, then it will be 25.
-- "Adopt-a-Whale"? That's sound interesting... Will they give me a whale if I pay 50?
--- No, no! This option means that your money will also go to the needs of organizations that are looking for the most suitable places for whales.
-- Oh, okay! Then I select this option. Every whale deserves to live in a good place. Here, take the money.
-- Yes exactly! Thank you for your donation!
-- Bye!
-- Bye-bye!