N WAMBUA 2. You are going to create your own book. Take your time and answer the questions below. Put all your notes in a notebook. Write full sentences. 1. What type of book are you going to write? 2. What is the title of your story? Why did you choose it? 3. What is your story's setting? (Where is your story placed?) Describe the setting by providing details, e.g. country (real or imaginary), town/city or countryside, etc. 4. When is your story placed? 5. How many characters are in your story? Who are the main characters? 6. What are their names? by 7. Describe your characters' appearances. 8. Describe your characters' personalities. 9. Write briefly about what is going to happen in your story... a) at the beginning b) in the middle c) at the end 10. What is the moral of your story? 11. What will your cover look like? Describe it. (Write what colour you want to see, what illustration will be there, will you add any quotations, etc.) помагите нужна help
Я Алина. Я учусь в 4 классе. Я встаю в 7 часов каждое утро. Я завтракаю и иду в школу. я прихожу из школы в 1 час днем. Я обедаю в два часа. Потом я делаю мои домашние задания . В 5 часов я играю с друзьями на игровой площадке. Вечером я смотрю телевизор и маме мыть посуду после ужина. я ложусь спать в 9 часов .