1. а) Переведите предложения на русский язык.
б) Выпишите сказуемое в страдательном залоге. Например, are sent and received.
1. Millions of e-mails are sent and received every day. 2. The books about Harry Potter are translated into Russian. They are written by an English writer J. Rowling. 3. The shops in England are closed on Sundays. 4. What ingredients are used to make pizza? 5. England is visited by millions of tourists every year. 6. New computer programmes are used in this project. 7. What berries are grown in your garden?
2. Заполните предложения глаголами is / are.
1. Grammar rules ... always learnt by heart.
2. Rare animals ... protected in many countries.
3. This scarf ... made by my granny.
4. The same shirts ... worn by the members of our team.
5. New Russian books ... shown in our library.
6. Many Russian towns ... described in this book.
7. Dinner ... always cooked by my mother.
There are a number of aspects in the care of the dog on which to focus:
washing a dog;
To care for your dog's coat should from the very young age. This case the breeder must take the time every day. Requires not just vigorously brush the fur of the animal. You must properly brush and comb. The brush will also massage the skin, improve its blood supply, thereby making the hair more thick and shiny.
Washing a dog
Bathe your dog often with special shampoo or powder, impossible. It will not make the hair more pure, and will only hurt the animal, as the wool will slip away natural fat grease. The consequence would be that the dog will lose such an important quality of their wool, as the water resistance, which is often ill. Before bathing and after the dog is thoroughly combed. In order to choose the right shampoo for your animal, you need to go to the vet. Dogs also can be washed with shampoo designed for humans, for example, suitable soft shampoo for children.
The paddock
The best way to teach a puppy to a leash in a small garden or any other enclosed area. It is recommended to carry out dog walking early in the morning or in the evening, during sunset. In order to preserve the health of the dog, don't let her too much to jump or climb stairs and slopes. This can lead to the fact that her fragile bones can bend.
Each animal must be vaccinated in a timely manner. You need to be vaccinated at the age of 2-3 months. Modern veterinary stations offer a comprehensive vaccination, instead of the usual three. It has certain advantages, but for the body of the animal it can be very hard. Some small dogs can even be laid up for a couple of days, as will feel tremendous weakness and malaise.