I play computer games on my new laptop.
I haven't got yet a new phone because I didn't learn enough.
I loev to listen to the music on my mp3 player.
I carry usually my vallet in deep pocket.
I prefer to learn English than French.
I don't live in big city. It''s rather small town.
I earn lots of money as a doctor in the future.
I don't need new clothes but I need to meet my friends every day.
I don't speak German fluently.
I like to study because my teachers are nice and clever.
I wear sunglasses when I'm on holidays.
I don't wear skirts and dresses.
I want to make more friends over the internet.
Science fiction writers wrote about different wonders and robots. But robots are not a reality. Where are our robots which help us to do the ironing, cook dinner, walk the dog, clean the house and so on? Perhaps it is much more difficult in practice than in theory to build such a robot. Our scientists don't have the knowledge to give a robot intelligence or the power of reasoning. Perhaps they may never work it out. Researchers say that the best way to overcome this problem is to study the human brain and try create an artificial brain. Nevertheless, scientists have already overcome other problems such as mobility. Also, robots can now look more human. Language may be another problem as robots have to be able to understand man's speech. Experts are divided as to when robot assistants may become a reality. Some ofscisay five years, others say fifty. Maybe soon household robots may be as common as home computers.