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Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Переклад
to abide abode/abided abode/abided дотримуватися
to arise arose arisen виникати
to awake awoke/awakened awoken/awakened прокидатися
to backslide backslid backslid / backslidden відступати
to be was / were been бути
to bear bore born / borne нести
to beat beat beaten бити
to become became become ставати
to begin began begun починати
to bend bent bent згинатися
to bet bet bet / betted ставити
to bid bid / bade bid / bidden ставити ставку
to bind bound bound пов’язувати
to bite bit bitten вкусити
to bleed bled bled кровоточити
to blow blew blown дути
to break broke broken ламати
to breed bred bred вирощувати
to bring brought brought приносити
to broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted передавати
to browbeat browbeat browbeaten / browbeat залякувати
to build built built будувати
to burn burnt / burned burnt / burned горіти
to burst burst burst вибухати
to bust bust / busted bust / busted розорювати
to buy bought bought
Nowadays Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Its population is about 3 million. The city lies on both banks of the Dnieper. Kyiv is a garden city; only a seventh part of its territory is occupied by buildings.
Kyiv has a well-developed industry. Its factories and plants produce sea and river transport vessels, air liners, computers,motorcycles, consumer goods.
Kyiv is also one of the largest scientific centres. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and many research institutes are famous for their discoveries. More than 10 000 students study at Kyiv Shevchenko National University. There are over 20 higher educational establishments in Kyiv.
Kyiv is also the centre of political life in Ukraine. All major political events take place here.
Kyiv is the largest ancient centre of national Ukrainian culture. There are 20 museums, 1300 libraries, 41 theatres, 121 parks. Kyiv is growing and is being built, it also becomes younger and more beautiful.