Translate into the English language, following the rules of concordance of temporal forms. 1. I was afraid that заблуджуся in-field. 2. She knew that we had seen her picture never. 3. A scientist was sure that will find the decision of problem. 4. I knew that you had arrived to Saint Petersburg, and, that you to visit me. 5. We did not think that he so would get angry. 6. We knew yesterday, that she is a patient. 7. He thought that she would not come to school. 8. I knew that my sister studied French, and thought that she would go to Paris. 9. It was said me, that you had rung me. 10. I thought that you in Moscow. 11. I did not know that you already had returned in Санкт- Petersburg. 12. We hoped that will go to London. 13. A teacher said, that our friends had sent a sheet from London. 14. She said, that her friend had invited her in a theatre. 15. We were afraid that will not buy a ticket in a theatre. 16. We saw that children played sand. 17. She said, that no longer would bath, because water is cold. 18. The my standard said, that loved opera and there will be advice to go away from us in a theatre, although already twice listened "Травіату".
Перевод : HK., HenapH., MAZE
зима в Антарктиде с марта по сентябрь
12 белых медведей живут в Антарктиде.
B Ложь
13 Есть только
А 2.200
Панды оставили в дикой природе.
B 2.000
14 Люди продают
в качестве домашних животных.
B шимпанзе
15 человек охотятся на носорогов за своих
B рога
16 Марс имеет три луны.
B Ложь
17 Год на Марсе длится
A 768
B 687
18 Олимп на Монсе
раз выше
чем гора Эверест.
B шесть
19 PaPeRo - робот с руками и ногами.
B Ложь
20 ASIMO может понять
Язык тела
В то, что вы говорите
Odessa is a city in the southwestern part of Ukraine. It is the administrative center of Odessa Oblast. Одесса – это город в юго-западной части Украины. Город является административным центром Одесской области.
Odessa was founded by Russia in the 1794 instead of the Turkish fortress on the coast of the Black Sea. Одесса была основана Россией в 1794 году вместо турецкой крепости на побережье Черного моря.
Total area of Odessa is 239 square kilometers. The city’s population exceeds 1 million people. Общая площадь Одессы составляет 239 квадратных километров. Население города превышает 1 миллион человек.
Odessa is divided into four districts. There are Suvorovskiy, Malinowskiy, Kievskiy, and Primorskiy. Одесса состоит из четырех районов: Суворовский, Малиновский, Киевский и Приморский.