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Vasnetsov Museum
There is a very unusual house in the center of Moscow. It A 4) doesn't look like the other houses around it. It looks like a house from a Russian fairy tale. The famous Russian artist Victor Vasnetsov B. 1) lived in this house with his family more than 100 years ago. Victor Vasnetsov loved Russian fairy tales, and C 3) many of his
pictures are based on them. He also designed the house itself and the wooden furniture inside it. His house D D. 1) is now a museum and part of the Tretyakov Gallery. The top floor of this house is Vasnetsov's studio where he worked on some of his famous pictures: "Alyonushka", "Ivan-Tsarevitch Riding the Gray Wolf", and others. Some of these pictures are still in thistudio. Many tourists believe that this is one of the E 3) best museums in Moscow.
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The Chicken and the Apple Tree
One autumn day, a chicken looked out of her window. She saw an apple tree growing A 3) next to her house. "This is strange, " she said. "There was no tree in that
place yesterday. " "Some of us grow faster B 6) than others, " said the tree.
The chicken looked at the tree again. "I have C 5) never seen a tree that has feet and two ears, " she said. "Some of us do, " said the tree. "Come out and eat one of my apples".
"Actually, this is the first time that I have heard a tree speak, " said the chicken. "Some of us can, " said the tree. "Come out for a walk".
"I have heard that trees lose all their leaves this time of year, " said the chicken. "Oh, yes. We do. " The tree began moving and all the leaves fell D 2) off. The chicken was not surprised to see the big wolf standing E 7) where the tree had been. She closed her window.
1. У каждого сильного урагана есть имя.
Эти имена уникальны.
2. Наводнение является наиболее распространенным из всех
стихийных бедствий.
3. Невозможно остановить ураган.
4. Ветра торнадо могут достигать скорости 300 миль в час.
5. Каждое место на земле находится под одинаковым риском землетрясения.
6. Цунами случается после подводного
землетрясения или извержения вулкана.
7. Примерно 1800 гроз
происходит в любой момент в мире.
8. Молнии убивают больше людей каждый год
чем торнадо.
9. Молния никогда не поражает/не бьёт в одно и то же место дважды.
10. Землетрясения усиливаются.
Я перевела, но не знаю, что из этого ложь. Посмотри в интернете.